↳ 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒂 𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖

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name means;; weight precious

nickname;; shige, shi-shi

age;; 18 years old

birthday;; June 14

zodiac;; gemini

blood type;; A

personality;; Shigehisa Akamatsu never seems to have a dull moment, and those who hang out with him never seem to experience them either. He is bubbly, bouncy, and bright, always doing his best to cheer up others and keep them on the right path. His heart is always in a good place, even if he can be a bit blunt and overbearing at times. His nature is to be frank and honest with people, even if it hurts their feelings (though he is quick to apologize in the case that he has hurt someone's feelings). Shigehisa only wants the best for the people in his life and everyone around him. However, when it comes to taking care of himself, Shigehisa lacks... a lot. He has very little sense of self-preservation or self-care.

parents;; Kaede Akamatsu and Ibuki Mioda. He was born using magic and his mothers are not together nor are they romantically involved. His stepmother is Maki Akamatsu-Harukawa, and his other stepmother is Mikan Mioda.

family;; on Kaede's side, his half-siblings are Yoshimori Harukawa, Arisa Yonaga, Yoshimi Yumeno, and Wolfgang Amadeus Kuwata. on Ibuki's side, his half-siblings are Tsuneo Mioda, Nobuko Yonaga, Shosuke Harukawa, and Kumi Mioda.

talent;; new ultimate composer

history;; born on June 14, 2017, Shigehisa Akamatsu was certainly something, even before his birth. According to his mothers, it was music which brought about his conception. After sharing a particularly emotional conversation over the differences between modern and old timey music, Kaede and Ibuki found themselves expecting a magic baby. Shigehisa was the first child for both of his parents. Kaede had only just turned eighteen the previous year, and Ibuki had graduated a year before Kaede. Both were in long term relationships with other people, and decided to raise Shigehisa separated, but equally. Shigehisa never felt as though he was being pulled between two homes. Rather, he sees both families as an integral part of his life, whether they are related by blood or not.

likes;; clashing colors, harmony

dislikes;; monotonous schemes, disharmony

height;; 5'8"

weight;; 175 lbs

This art was drawn by a friend of mine on Instagram, not me! But this is his official ref

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

This art was drawn by a friend of mine on Instagram, not me! But this is his official ref.

full outfit;; blue mid-sleeve shirt with a thigh-length red skirt and blue-and-red thigh-high socks with music notes scattered throughout. Glove on one hand.

sexuality;; gay

gender;; Jupitergender/genderfluid male, he/him only

relationships with other students;;

Kiyohide Gokuhara - his boyfriend. Kiyohide was kind to him from the beginning, and Shigehisa found himself attracted to that despite Kiyohide's shy nature. He's slowly getting him to come out of his shell.

Rui Souda - one of his best friends in his class, he and Rui had a rocky start to their relationship. Although she is hard-pressed to admit that she cares about anyone, Rui does care deeply for Shigehisa and is afraid his kind heart will hurt him one day.

relationships with adults;;

Kaede Akamatsu - Shigehisa is and always has been very close to his mother. She taught him piano at a young age, and though it was not his talent, it did discover the talent he had for music. When he was young, Shigehisa would constantly try to create songs for Kaede to play back to him on her piano, and she would indulge him by playing them. Eventually, they came to realize that Shigehisa actually had a real talent for creating music.

Maki Akamatsu-Harukawa - Although she is not his biological mother, Shigehisa views Maki as a mother and is pretty close to her in their own way. Maki has never been the kind of person to be touchy-feely like his other mothers, but she shows her affection in other ways.

Ibuki Mioda - Where Kaede is more of an emotional support type of mother, Ibuki is much more of a "fun-loving, easy-going" type mom. Shigehisa usually calls her "Mama 'buki" as that is what he called her as a child. Ibuki is much louder and more boisterous than Kaede, and helps Shigehisa indulge a little in the more "exciting" side of life. As much as Shigehisa loves her, though, he spends more time with Kaede because he connects more with her.

Mikan Mioda (nee Tsumiki) - Mikan has been an important part of Shigehisa's life since he was young, and he adores her. He also feels the need to stick up for her and protect her, even though Mikan does a better job at that now than she had before. Mikan has taught him basic first-aid, and at times Shigehisa helps her at the hospital she works at because he makes the kids smile.


↣ Though he is kind, he will not tolerate bad-mouthing of his family.

↣ He gets nervous around cute boys.

↣ He refuses to wear pants and will only wear skirts, dresses, or shorts. He doesn't like his legs to be completely covered.


❝ What, my skirt? I just like wearing it, that's all. ❞

❝ Hey, c'mon, we shouldn't be fighting! We're all friends. ❞

❝ I'm Shigehisa Akamatsu, New Ultimate Composer! It's very nice to meet you! ❞

danganronpa next gen;; full profilesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن