Downtown Seattle is thriving as we drive in. The window of the cab is cracked open a little and I can hear the happy shouts and laughs of groups of people as we come to a stop. We're stuck in some traffic, and I tap my foot agitatedly. I lean between the seats and try to get a glimpse at how bad it is.

        "Do you know how long we'll be stuck here?" I ask the driver.

        He shakes his head. "No, darlin', sorry," he rasps in a heavy smoker's voice. "There was a crash just outside the Southfall earlier today. Last I heard the cops were still sniffing around there."

        "Great." I blow out a long breath. "Listen, I'm running late. Do you mind if I get out here?"

        "Are you sure? I think it could be starting to move."

        "No, no. I'll get out now." I dig my hand into my purse and pull out two tens. "Here. Keep the change."

        "Sure you'll be alright, darlin'?"

        "It's only a block away." I smile and push the door open. "Thanks."

        I push it shut behind me and step onto the sidewalk. A wolf whistle echoes behind me and I roll my eyes, reaching for my ringing cell at the same time. What is it tonight?


        "Liv," my agent's voice comes through the speaker. "Where are you?"

        "Downtown. I'm having a few drinks with the guys from the wine bar."

        "Great. I'm just calling to let you know you have a shoot on Thursday."

        "Really?" I scoot round a group of girls hogging the sidewalk. "For who?"

        "It's a trial for Victoria's Secret. Since Luisa left last month, they've been holding secret shoots around the country, and I got you one of the last in the North West."

        I stop in the middle of the street. My jaw nearly hits the floor. Did she just say what I think she did? "Victoria's Secret?"

        "Yes. It's tough competition. Mr. Styles pulled some strings and is having you photographed by one of our photographers instead of theirs."

        "Great." I look up and notice I'm standing outside the club I'm meeting everyone in.

        "Shall I come in on Monday to get all the details?"

        "Yes, do. Have fun tonight. Bye, Liv." Sheila clicks off.

        I take a deep breath before I enter the club and my head is assaulted by the incessant pounding of heavy music. It's still early but that doesn't matter—I still have to shimmy my way through groups of people with yells of, "Excuse me! Sorry!" to reach the stairs to take me to the second floor bar.

        It's blessedly empty on the short stairwell, and I take a deep breath. Man, I'm getting too old for this clubbing shit.

        I move into the second floor. This one is emptier than downstairs, and immediately I find my ex-colleagues at the bar. All of them have a glass of wine in their hands, surprisingly, and it's Amy who notices me first.

        "Liv! Liv's here! Jackson, pour her a glass of wine."

        I accept her hug and turn to Jackson. His light green eyes seem to smile at me as he hands me the glass and stands.

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