Shrek and Mario Cart with the Bakusquad

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Yuuga Aoyama- Diamond

Mina Ashido- Alien Queen

Tsuyu Asui- Pepe

Tenya Iida- Sanic

Ochacco Uraraka- Defying Gravity

Mashirao Ojiro- Tails

Denki Kaminari- Pikachu

Eijrou Kirishima- Baby Shark

Kouji Kouda- Animal Planet

Rikidou Satou- Diabetes

Mezou Shouji- Tenticles

Kyoka Jiro- Punkk

Hanta Sero- Tape Dispenser

Fumikage Tokoyami- Birb

Shouto Todoroki- Katy Perry Rippoff

Tooru Hagakure- InvisiBish

Katsuki Bakugo- Angry Pomeranian

Izuku Midoria- Broccoli Boi

Minoru Mineta- Purple Perv

Momo Yaoyorozu- Mom

Y/n L/n- Queen of Everything

Saturday. 3:21 AM

Queen of Everything logs on.

Queen of Everything: Yo, Anyone up?

Baby Shark: me

Tape Dispenser: me

Alien Queen: me

Pikachu: me

Queen of Everything: yay! Anyone wanna meet up in the common room? To watch Shrek and play Mario Cart?

Pikachu: HELL YES!

Baby Shark: Count me in!

Alien Queen: I'm coming!

Tape Dispenser: WAIT FOR ME!

Queen of Everything: meet down in 10.

Queen of Everything logs off.

Alien Queen logs off. 

Tape Dispenser logs off. 

Pikachu logs off. 

Baby Shark logs off.  

(Y/N's POV)

I log out of the chat and look at what I am wearing (some gray sweatpants and a black cropped tank top.)

(Kinda like this ⬇️ But you can chose something else if you want)

I rush downstairs with the movie and game in hand and set up while waiting for the Bakusquad to come downstairs

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I rush downstairs with the movie and game in hand and set up while waiting for the Bakusquad to come downstairs. As I start setting up Mario Cart, I feel a presence behind me. I jump up and punch whoever it was in the face.

"Oww... dammit y/n, why you always hitting me.." Denki groans in pain clutching his face.

"Why you gotta sneak up on me then b-i-t-c-h?" I reply. He doesn't reply and plops onto a beanbag next to me and grabs a controller. "I'll be back, I'm grabbing some chips and other stuff." 

I leave him be and head to the kitchen and grab some random chips and sodas, along with some mint chocolate chip oreos(they are limited edition where I am living, but the are my new favorite Oreo flavor, tRy TheM). I head back to see the the rest of Le Squad is here.

"Wassap my dudes" I say while basically throwing the snacks on the floor in front of me.

"aRe ThoSE miNt ChOColaTe chIP oREOS?!?!?!" Mina asks as she reaches for the package. I swat her hand away. 

"MINE!" I whisper-yell at her "Whoever can beat me in Mario Cart can have one, except for Denki."

"Why you gotta be so ruuude~" 



We play Mario Cart for about two hours, and I am still undefeated. 

"Woohoo! Still undefeated!" I fist bump the air.

"Why can't you go easy on us y/n?" Sero whines.

"I was going easy..."


"Whoops... Anyways.. Shrek now?"

"Hell yea!"

I take out Mario Cart and put Shrek in the Blu-ray Disc player thingy. 

I don't realize that the volume is all the ways up and the beginning song blasts through the dorms, probably waking everybody up.

"Shit" I turn the volume down and pretend nothing happened while the Bakusquad stares at me "Look, I know I'm hot af right now, you don't need to stare at me, just watch the damn movie."

About halfway through the movie I notice something seemed off. I look at the package of Oreos. Empty. "WHO THE FUCK ATE ALL OF MY MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP OREOS!" I look at Denki. Crumbs everywhere. "fucking run Denki." He screams and bolts away. I run after him and us my quirk to make a wall of dirt appear in front of him. (Quirk: Ground/mineral manipulation. You can manipulate anything that has some sort of ground mineral in it, like iron, and some other minerals that the author is too lazy to name. You can also just straight up manipulate the ground.) He backs away in fear. 

"I-I'm s-sorry Y-Y/N!Please have mercy on me!" He stutters.

"You owe me a truckload of mint chocolate chip Oreos and about 50 bucks"


"By Monday."


"You fucking heard me." I give him my deathly icy cold glare and walk off back into the dorms. The entire class starting at me. I just plop grab my phone and walk to the elevator to go to my dorm room, as the door shuts I can hear Iida scolding me, or at least trying to. I get to my dorm room and plop on my bed changing my username to "Queen of Mario Cart" before falling asleep.

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