miss you part 2

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Panting I feel my legs burning to the bone, sweat drip down every part of my body and my energy draining low.
But I ignore it all, all I can think of is gon
Gon my dear best friend

I run faster

Gon my first friend

My surroundings flash by me in a blotch of colour

Gon my first love

I put more energy that I didn't even know I had into God's speed


Then I see it


I scream as I see a silhouette of the boy I once knew

The boy who showed me friendship
The boy who saved me from my family
The boy who believed in me when now one else did
The boy who made me smile
The boy who saved me from myself
Who took me out of the darkness
Who saw the light in me





But the person in front of me isn't that boy

The person in front of me has wide shoulders that could carry the world and a height that intimidates all. Bulging muscles that you can see twitching underneath skin, big hands capable of crunching bones in its grasp as if nothing more than paper. The once short spiky hair now shoots up into the sky flowing in a unnatural way that is a complete opposite to its previous sharp spikes. His once big expressive eyes that twinkled with friendliness under golden hues now are sharp and narrow filled with nothing but anger and sadness as he looks my way.

His aura is like a bottomless sea, taking all my will power for my knees not to buckle under the unimaginable pressure that it holds. Under malice intent from its target, even when its not directed at me I feel the urge to run far far away and never stop, I can feel bile in my stomach twist and spin begging to be released but I can't because I am frozen to the spot as he turns to face me.

In the background I can see Pitou rising back up even after the massive beat down this... gon gave her. But it seems like she isn't alive either it's like she's a puppet.


I snap my head back to gon, who's starting at me with so many emotions I can't decipher what any of them mean anymore.

I see Pitou getting ready to attack gon again

I need to help him, she's going to hurt him and he's not going to Dodge.

I need to
I need to
I need to but I can't
I'm stuck


I jolt up awake panting and soaked in my own sweat i look around to see I'm still In the hotel room that I rented out for the time being and for once I'm glad alluka isn't here or else she would of seen her big brother like this still having nightmares over something that happened years ago

'How pathetic' I mumble to myself.

I glance to the clock besides me, squinting at its glaring beam 5:40 it reads.

Sighing softly I slowly crawl out of bed to the bathroom to take a shower throwing off my oversized sweatshirt and boxers that I fell asleep in on that way.

I sigh once again at the quietness that surrounds the penthouse hotel room remembering that alluka is 18 now and wants to explore the world with out her overprotective big brother. I chuckled lightly at the memory of her begging me to teach her nen two years ago claiming that 'if big brother can learn nen and go on adventures at twelve than me and Nanika can at sixteen' and as a result I took her to the heavens arena to get training of wing-san and Zushi.

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