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All eyes appeared to be on Harry as we sat doing our homework. I had been assigned the tedious task of writing all the potions and how to make them from last year. It was tedious sure but it could have been worse. And as it seemed, potions was in fact my favorite lesson even with the Gryffindor-hater as a professor. At the table next to Harry, it was clear to see or feel should I say that everyone was looking at him. After all, the chamber was now open and all of a sudden a boy can speak to snakes. Odd coincidence right? That said, a minority of people still believed I had a part to do in it. A look over to Harry notified me of his discomfort in this room and form the looks of it, both Ron and Hermione understood this too with their sympathetic smiles and looks. 

"I'll see you back at the common room," he said packing his books up and leaving the room. As he did so, all eyes followed staring at him as if he was the creature from the chamber.

"Gotta feel sorry for him don't you. Poor guy tries to protect someone and all he gets is stares and gossip being spread about him. Perhaps the best place for him now is the common room," I mentioned to the other two sitting opposite me. Silence once again fell upon the table as we focused again on our work. 

"Y/N, you don't happen to think Harry really is the one who opened the chamber do you?" Hermione asked disturbing the silence once again. 

"No of course not. Even if he did, he'd mever be the kind of person to petrify a person. Nor would he ever wish any harm to come to anyone. You can't be seriously believing the rumors could you?"

"No...well I don't personally it's's an awful coincidence that he happens to be a parseltongue at this moment in time. Ron and I believe...we believe that he has something to do with it but we just don't know what. Besides, we're going to find out more by..." Looking to Ron for reassurance, he nodded giving Hermione the needed support. "What I'm going to tell you stays between us and only us. The three of us plan to infiltrate the Slytherin common rooms as three of their own students using a potion. We've been brewing it for a while now but we still have a while longer to go until it's ready. I'm...I'm sorry for not including you earlier it's just that"

"I understand don't worry about it. Just know that you can trust me with everything. After all, I don't have many fans in this school so why would I rat you all out?"


Before I knew it, winter had come and no that's not a Game of Thrones reference. Third year students now often went to Hogsmeade whilst second years and first years were forced to remain on campus not that that was an issue. If anything, it was a blessing in disguise as it gave us the necessary time to make sure the potion was alright. At this point in time, we were set during dinner time and it was just to say that the dining hall had gone through a fairly major transformation. The pine trees had be put up next to every fire place with each bauble a mini candle stood lit illuminating their prickly leaves. The warmth here was still present if not larger and it truly made Christmas time here a spectacle. 

"It's nearly ready," Hermione announced in a low whisper next to me as to not draw too much attention although most of the tables were empty. "We need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle don't keep awake whilst we infiltrate so I've filled these cupcakes with a simple sleeping draft, simple but powerful. Now when they're asleep, put them in the broom cupboard and take a few hairs as well as their uniforms."

Annoyed at the long job he had just been given, Ron protested "who's hair are you stealing then?"

"I've already got mine. Millicent Bulstrode," the brunette said pulling out a test tube with a single strand of hair. "I got it off her robe. Now, make sure Crabbe and Goyle eat these."

It had been ten minutes before the two Slytherins made their way out of the main hall. Despite wanting to perform the basic spell, Harry decided that it was best he do it instead and raised both cupcakes into the path before the boys. Taking the bait, both went in for the kill taking a cupcake each and stuffing their mouths full of the tampered delicacy. A sudden realization dawned on them when they noticed the draft taking effect and with that, both were on the floor in a deep sleep.

"Let's get em," I said taking the lead. "Right, you two take Goyle, I'll take Crabbe."

The two boys made their way over to their target picking them up with a struggle to waist height. Within seconds Ron was already begging to put him back down but I had to remind him that it was for the greater good. I took hold of Crabbe's arm before hoisting him onto my shoulder with ease, finally feeling the benefits and impacts of the weight training I had done with the statues of Professor Kuno. The boy was heavy though for his age, the food and lack of exercise evident. The trip to the broom cupboard was, as you could imagine, full of whinging but it was done nevertheless. Slumping them over one another, the boys got to work pulling a few hairs out and removing their robes. I took the initative to take their robes back to the common room as to not leave any evidence of who was here before heading back down to the girls toilets where I was instructed to meet the three of them before they set off for their mission. The first sight upon entering was the three tubes of thick potion and boy was I glad that I wasn't drinking it. The potion was almost alive with all the bubbling it was doing and with a glass in each hand, they all added their relevant hairs. With a clink of the glasses, they glugged the bumpy solution down with the immediate discomfort becoming visible. Ron was the first to run off to the stalls followed by Hermione. Harry dropped his glass leaving it to smash on the floor before his skin started to bumble and before you know it, the the entirety of Goyle was present. Next to him came Ron or should I say Crabbe. 

"You both need to sound like who you look like. We can't have Goyle sounding like Harry and Crabbe sounding like Ron so just add a certain amount of stupidity to your accents and choice of words. Hermione?"

"I  don't think I'm going. You're wasting time!" she called out to both Ron and Harry.

"Go...and good luck boys. I wish you all the best," I say patting both their backs before watching them leave the bathroom. "All right Hermione what's up? They're gone now so you can come out without being judged."

"I'm...I'm not feeling well. I think I'm going to stay in here."

"You aren't fooling anyone. Now, you can decide to stay in there or join me out here. I'll leave you with the choice," I said sitting down outside the door with a small ball in my hand. Throwing it against the wall, I repeated this for what felt like forever until the door behind me unclicked signalling the revealing of Hermione. Turning my head to look up at her, I found myself looking at the mix between both a cat and a girl. The face was undeniably the cats but the hair was human and the overall product was...creepy if anything. But of course I could never say that could I.

"Must've been cats hair then. Ah well, nothing to fear right? You're still Hermione so don't over stress it. Come, sit next to me. Let's talk till they come back."

And so we sat together discussing how she found out about the potion and last year's troubles. It seemed that the boys had finally got her to trust me and so she was the one dedicated to catch me up on the deadly side with the sorceror's stone, the treachery of the Professor Quirrell and everything in-between. She seemed to ease up during the conversation...that was till the door to the girl's lavatory opened making the frightened Hermione scatter back into her stall as if she were a scared cat. 

"Guys! You're back! How was it?"

"Good good! Wait Hermione? Are you still in there?" Harry asked noticing that Hermione was in the stall again.

"I think it's best they just see Hermione. It doesn't look like it's going to wear off as it has for them."

And with that, the door slowly opened revealing the cat-girl. I must say, as sympathetic as I felt, there were plenty of puns you could have pulled with her in this current state and it seemed that Ron was the only one who found it funny, laughing at her tail and face. However, we also realized that this wasn't an effect that would wear off in the next 10 minutes. We were going to have to take her to Madam Pomfrey and with that, make an excuse on the way

Chamber of Secrets-Book 1 (Hermione X Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu