"Ten? No way, it can't be..." Eunbi glanced at her wristwatch. "Ah. Shit. Alright, I'll be there soon. In the meantime, distract them."

"Distract them? And how am I supposed to-"

Eunbi quickly ended the call, not wanting to face the wrath of her PA. She straightened up when the stranger bounced out of the bakery, a bag chock-full of bread swinging from her hand. "Well? How is she?" Eunbi demanded.

"Chill, she's doing fine," the stranger said, chomping down on a melon bun. "It's her first day at work, and she's liking it so far. She's really cute, we're already friends. Maybe I should drop by more often."

"She's so cute, isn't she?" Eunbi gushed. "My wholesome baby sister, the love of my life."

"She's your sister?" The stranger laughed through a bite of bread. "I would never have guessed. You two have totally different auras."

Eunbi pulled a face at the stranger. "Anyway, I need to go. My assistant needs me. Thanks for making friends with my sister, I guess, um..." She trailed off, prompting the stranger for her name.

"Hyewon," the stranger answered. "Kang Hyewon."

"Right. Well, bye... Hyewon." Eunbi awkwardly nodded at her before dashing off to her office.

So Eunbi was thirty minutes late to her meeting. It wasn't too big of a deal, she knew, especially since her brand was the sole reason this particular distributor was even surviving in the ever-changing fashion market. Plus, she really enjoyed seeing her PA's flustered expression when they wrapped up their meeting ten minutes in.

"Was I too good at my job?" Eunbi teased her assistant, Sian, after the distributor was escorted out of their meeting room. "Too efficient?"

"Yes!" Sian blustered as she retrieved all the papers she had painstakingly printed out for the meeting only to see them not being looked at even once.

"Oh, come on, Sian, you know they need us more than we need them." Eunbi reached up and twirled Sian's long mocha-coloured hair around her finger. The blush that spread across Sian's face never failed to amuse Eunbi. Gently patting Sian's reddening face, Eunbi stood up and brushed imaginary dust off her suit pants. "Any other meetings today?"

"No, but you have to attend a fashion show tonight," Sian stated, pulling up Eunbi's schedule on her tablet. She chuckled when Eunbi rolled her eyes. "You RSVP'd two weeks ago, remember?"

"Dammit all. I wanted to go home and accompany Nako tonight," Eunbi whined, slumping over Sian, her face buried in Sian's neck.

Sian tensed under Eunbi's body as she tried her best not to freak out. Eunbi was a difficult boss to work with, not in the sense that she was a bad boss, but because Sian had a crush on Eunbi and couldn't do anything about it. As far as she knew, Eunbi only had eyes for one person in her life: her younger sister, Nako.

So as Sian tried not to gay panic, she mumbled, "Well, you could always attend the first ten minutes, and then mysteriously vanish after going to the bathroom."

"No, I've used that excuse one too many times," Eunbi said, sighing. Disappointed, she sent a quick text to Nako.

Eunbi:  Nako, I've got something on tonight, and I don't know what time I'll be back. Will you be okay by yourself?

Nako:  Yep! I'll get one of my friends to hang out with me instead.

Eunbi:  Alright. I promise I'll be back by eleven, okay?

Nako:  ^-^ Gotta get back to work, bye!

If Sian could wipe the crestfallen look off Eunbi's face, she would. She settled for patting Eunbi's arm encouragingly. "Nako's grown up now, she'll be fine. How about we get some dinner delivered to your place for her tonight?"

Eunbi nodded. "That's a great idea, Sian. Guess this is why I love you so much."

Those words had never been more heartbreaking. Sian forced herself to muster a smile before looking away. "Yeah. Love you too."

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