Chapter 2

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The day flew by and soon it was home time. The sun shone without a cloud in sight - perfect weather to get an ice cream after school. And that's exactly what they did. Dolph walked alongside Space Kid, wishing they were holding hands but never risking it. First of all, what if his father saw - he couldn't let him know he was gay. Who knew what he'd do if he found out. Secondly, what if Space Kid wasn't into him. Then it'd be awkward and embarrassing. All he could do was dream.

Once they had reached the park, they immediately noticed the long line at the ice cream van. Deciding to wait till the crowd calmed down; avoiding getting sunburnt (as neither put suncream on), they sat down under some trees, placing they're bags beside them. The artist had brought a sketchbook with him, like any good artist would, and began to draw whilst the future astronaut played on his phone. At first, Dolph was drawing what was in front of him - the ice cream van - but soon he got bored of it and flipped a few pages so he was now at the back of his book. This was where he'd draw portraits of people he knew. People from camp, people he saw in a cafe, anyone really. One person he hadn't drawn yet was Space Kid. He hadn't seen him in 3 years and when he was at camp he wasn't as good at art as he was now. So he started sketching. The basic shapes first. He sketched the tree and Neil's position as he leaned on it. He was fixing up a few mistakes in the background  before realising his human reference had disappeared.
Looking around worried, he felt a presence behind him.
"Nice drawing Dolph, is it me?" A voice questioned.
He paused and peered over his shoulder only to see SK holding two ice creams, one being his favourite.
"Oh thank god its only you Space Kid, you kind of scared me, disappearing like that."
He replied with a chuckle and stated he had told him he was getting the ice cream. Passing it over in one swift motion, Dolph was surprised he had remembered his favourite - chocolate brownie. He remembered that SK had always liked strawberry ice cream, which fitted his personality well. It's said that people who like strawberry ice creams are loyal and energetic. On the other hand, chocolate brownie meant that you're crafty and love diys. You're not overly extroverted, love patterns and colours and probably live some where very cozy. At least, that's what Dolph had read online.
A tasty ice cream and a conversation later, they decided to go on a stroll. As it got increasingly hotter, Dolph took of his hoodie and wrapped it round his waist, revealing a light blue shirt underneath. Soon, SK followed in his footsteps and took his jacket off but instead, putting it over his shoulder.

They talked about all sorts of things. What they'd done in the past 3 years, hobbies they now had, favourite games. This led to the topic of movies. A new movie had come out recently - the movie was Shrek 5. Dolph had a copy but SK had never knew a fifth one had come out. And so they decided, they were going to watch it together. Stopping by Tescos and grabbing some sweet and salty popcorn, coke and a packet of M&Ms each, they began their journey towards Dolph's house.

It was cool inside the house. Total temperature change since they'd been outside. The house had cream walls, littered with pictures of Dolph. One of them had Dolph painting, another had him winning an award for junior painter and another had the camp. All of them in one picture. It reminded Space Kid of the good times spent at the camp. The time he spent with Dolph before they had to go back to school: the time before Space Kid had moved. That's why it had been 3 years since they last spoke. Space Kids father needed to move closer to work which made him leave too. They were back together now and that's all that really mattered. As long as he didn't move again, everything would be fine. His thoughts were interrupted by Dolph poking him.
"Space Kid? Are you okay?"  His accent appeared meaning he was clearly worried.
"I'm alright Dolph, why wouldn't I be?"
Dolph just looked at him before telling him he had been staring at the picture for a good few minutes. With an apology and a blush, Dolph led the way up to his bedroom.
Compared to the rest of the house, Dolph's room was colourful and full of life. The bedroom was fairly big. A bed (in a cute shade of blue) was seen in the corner of the room. It had little fairy lights strung above it and clips of polaroid pictures in between every over light. A desk was on the over side of the room, facing opposite the bed. On it were some paintbrushes, watercolours and a dried painting that Dolph had recently done. Above the desk were little boxes and rectangles, some with books in them, some had DVDs and others with plants. He even had little wooden sculptures that he'd made himself (one being a little deer). A wardrobe lay at the foot of his bed and was decorated in what seemed to be sharpies. He had a chest of drawers painted white: each drawer had a pastel pattern on it. For example, one was light pink and had circles in different colours, another had stripes, a third had a swirly pattern. On top of it, the T.V stood. Not too big but not too small. He gazed around the room in awe. It was beautiful.
"Dolph, this is amazing!" He said, jumping onto his bed.
"I'm glad you like it, did most of the decorating myself!"
He could see that. You could just see the effort put into every aspect of his room. Dolph dropped his bag beside his bed and took out all the snacks and drinks. He grabbed a blanket from one of his drawers and set it on the floor, placing the food and drink on it. Putting Shrek 5 into the T.V, the movie began.

"Now THAT was a good movie!" Space Kid yelled, fizzing with joy.
Dolph smiled, blushing ever so slightly, agreeing with every word SK said about the movie. The time was 8:30. Time for SK to leave. Dolph insisted that he should walk SK home, he, eventually, caveing in and letting him. At Space Kids doorstep, they said their goodbyes, exchanging phone numbers before he officially left.
The journey home was quiet, letting Dolph's mind peacefully start thinking. He thought about SK and their relationship. Then he thought about his father. He wouldn't accept this. If he found out, he'd beat the living shit out of him. He was scared, something he didn't like to admit. What if his father found out and kicked him out the house? He wouldn't have a place to stay. And what if Space Kid found out? His thoughts trailed back to what happened that same morning. Space Kid said his accent was cute. Was this a sign or was he over thinking it. What if Space Kid said that truthfully. And not just as a compliment. Could SK really like him back? Before long, he was back at his house, left to ponder the same questions over and over again.

Longer chapter this time ^-^ I hope it was better than the last. I'm going to try and write a chapter each day though I don't know how long that'll last. Well that's all folks. See you in the next chapter.

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