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A/n: These are just three short letters to BTS. This is also an entry for #armyDayWin by FanFictionIN

Dear BTS,

Your hardwork has been paid off. Every dripping sweat of yours has been noticed world wide.

I'm not here to write about my love for you, instead, im here to convey the unsaid words from all around. That is, you've conquered the world with love.

The world is yours now, the universe will kneel before you but all you have to do is say the word.

Yet.. you'd pull the universe back on its feet and smile at it. You'd place a soft hand on its shoulder and say, "Love, your knees aren't meant to get so low, rather kneel down to help the other up."

I'm writing to you because, you've given a meaning to the dullest colour of a blossoming evening, and changed a billion views.

You've shown us your heart, the torn cage it's been hiding in, and a scarred success. Your wounded flaws have cured a millions, giving birth to a hope for a second chance.

Dear BTS, your love has reached us.


Letter to BTSWhere stories live. Discover now