"What!!," i asked really worried.

"I mean i don't know...Do you even watch the Celebrity News" she said putting in the Tv?

Tv playing.

"Emily Fields billionaire rapper and owner of Most of Calabasas was spotted last week carrying a blonde after bumping into her towards her Limo that was parked outside of her new club that opened last week. Most sources says on the media that the blonde name was Alison dilaurents head Cheerleader of Calabasas one of the best cheer squad that is heading to nationals in the next four months.
Many fans took to tweeter saying... She's a gold digger some saying that she just with Emily for clout but as Emily best friend and pop singer Spencer Hastings took to Twitter saying to the media that Any of hers and her Friend business is no one's Business. But now everyone is wondering are the blonde and Emily actually together or she being a big help.

"Wow I didn't think I was gonna make the news, and why do people think I'm with Emily" I Whispered more like talking to myself.

"I was Kinda expecting it... I mean you are dating miss Hottie who's also a rapper and owns-" Hanna started saying but I stopped her.

"I know she owns half of Calabasas...Jesus I've been hearing that all week and for the last time I'm not emily's girlfriend!!" I yelled frustrated

"Hey don't yell at me, Emily told everyone you two were together and by the way you're late for school" she said sticking out her tongue.

I quickly looked at the time and it was 8:37am I quickly ran in the shower and after that I did my hair and put on a floral pattern dress with thongs and my High top sneakers matching the dress and also brushed my teeth.

After putting on my clothes I went and pack my bags and saw Hanna waiting on me.
She then looked at me head to toe.

"Damn chica are you looking for boyfriend or sum why's that dress so short" she asked with a chuckle.

"Do you really think it's that short" I asked looking at myself in the mirror

"Girl, I don't care my man is waiting for both of us downstairs" she said hurrying me.

I quickly picked up everything I need and ran out the door walking up to Caleb's car.

"Wow, Ali with all due respect Emily's my best Friend and knowing that you're wearing that to go to school, I suggest you take it off, it isn't emily's grind" he said seriously.

" I can't and I'm late for my first class so I suggest you hurry up" I said about to jump in his car but stopped me.

"Wow slow down smart mouth, Emily doesn't want her Prized possession sitting in anything that she doesn't own. So she told me to tell you that Taylor her driver and the rest of her guards will be carrying you and picking you up from school..oh and she also said to tell you that she be dealing with some business today so don't call her until she calls you". He said leading me to Black jeep that is surrounding with security guards.

I entered and sigh...Do I really need to go through with all off this, I feel so stupid..I wanted to call Emily really bad but I remember I'm not suppose to call her.

At my school...

As we Entered in front the school one of the guards open the door and stepped away as I walk into the school I realize that three of the guards was following me to the doors.

"guys I'm good here" i said trying to send them away but The tall one said.

"We were ordered to walk you to your class room Mrs.Fields."

In love with TroubleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя