Paradoxical Irony

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I can see the last thunder strike it's edge,
Waves of murmurs already paved a hedge,
Happiness ah! The forbidden fruit,
Shall I be forcefully a caged bird and mute,
Shall I be the whispers of the night sky,
I can see the moon smile at me,
Like you I shall always be me,
I can feel the sun's scorching heat,
Like you I will always be the thunder,
I can smell the morning breath in wonder,
Like you I shall always be the muse,
I can hear the universe as a whole,
Like you I shall always hear the promises left unspoken,
Thus the world may be too far from me,
But I'm always inside it's heart and soul,
Let it plunder it's cords of music,
I shall always be it's slave amiss.

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