"Hey Friday? Is it possible to leave the tower without letting tony know?"

"That goes against my peter Parker protocol" the AI states

"What if spider man left"

"That still goes against bosses request to know your location throughout the day"

"Oh come on Friday please, just for a little" Peter begs

"What if I keep my tracker on then, he will know my location and you don't have to tell him" peter points out

Peter sighs when he doesn't get a response and hacks the AI from his phone.

"Fine, then we will just have to adjust the peter protocol so I can leave without mr.stark being notified" peter says as he changes the coding

When he's finished his task, he quickly runs to his room, takes extra web fluid and leaves through the the first window he can find since his room doesn't have any

Peter shoots his webs from building to building swinging happily looking for crime to stop as much as he didn't want to be spider man, he missed swinging, he missed feeling the wind and feeling free and letting loose and having fun , being Spider-Man gave him a sense of purpose he's missed since thanos

When he catches a glimpse of a weapons sale, he quickly jumps down and hides next to a garbage bin

When peter sees them trading the weapons he quickly webs their hands stoping their actions

"Hey guys why didn't I get an invitation" peter says

"What the hell is he doing here I thought he was gone" says one of the guys

"Aw, why? Did you miss me" peter says before webbing his mouth shut

"Whoops, sorry I'm sorry, you didn't finish" he says as he jumps on top of the vehicle

"He webs the guys and pulls the web banging the criminals heads on the van

"My bad guys, I've been hanging out to much with the avengers I forgot you guys are just human, but don't worry, I'll call the cops and I'm sure they will get you a medic to take a look at your induries" he says still on the roof of the van

"You talk to much" says a voice behind him before he is shot at

Peter didn't expect this so he falls off the van, the man still shooting at him, the noises trigger peter and he begins to get flashbacks from the battle against thanos

"Get it together Spider-Man, GET IT TOGETHER" he whispers to himself he quickly crab walks backwards before he hits the car of the other person involved in the trade he stops and hides under the car holding his knees, immediately being brought back to when he hid under the rock with the gauntlet way back when

"Aw guys, look at the spider man, if only the world can see him now, he's just a scared boy, pretending to be something he's not, a hero, an avenger, well let's end his little fraud once and for all shall we"

Peter had his eyes closed curled in a ball, he wasn't sure what the man meant, was he gonna kill him? Reveal his identity? Peter didn't have a chance to find out because suddenly a familiar voice spoke

"Hey fellas, engaging in some illegal activities this fine afternoon are we?" He says

"Shit" says one of the guys webbed up

"Shit is right" says iron man before he blasts the group of men

When everything is dealt with the the criminals are all taken down unconscious tony exists his suit

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