Chapter 2: Meeting The Princes

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Chapter 2

Meeting The Princes

Cecelia's P.O.V

So That's how I ended up in Nobel Michel's castle in a freaking dress. I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at this lavish blue dress that reaches the tops of my high heeled shoes. I look at the face of the woman in the mirror. I don't even recognize her. Her brown hair pulled up in this elegant but almost messy looking bun. Her brown eyes staring bewildered back at me. I expected them to put more makeup on me. But they only did some eye shadow and some mascara. Which is completely fine with me. I can't stand having stuff on my face. I look down at the white gloves that match the white lace cardigan and white flowers they had pinned to my bun and my white shoes. Can I even walk in heels? I've never had any before... Taking a few test steps I try to focus on my balance. Hm, This isn't so hard. Hopefully I won't need to dance or else I'm screwed.

A knock sounded at the door.

"My Lady? Are you almost ready? The Ball has already begun." I heard Zain call from the other side. Suddenly all of it came crashing down on me. I'm going to a freaking ball. With Royals and nobles and all that. I AM a Noble. Holy crap. I sat down on the couch, unable to breathe. Oh my God am I having a panic attack right now? Would this let me skip the ball?

"My Lady?" Zain cracked open the door and saw me sitting on the couch holding my heart and panting while staring at the floor in front of my feet.

"Oh dear." He comes and sits beside me with a small smile on his lips. "I know this is a lot to take in. If I must say though, you are doing incredibly well, adjusting to it. I understand this life is so much different than the one you came from."

"An understatement of the century." He chuckles and puts a hand on my back, rubbing in small circles. It does soothe me a little.

"It's all right, My Lady. What are you worried about right now?"

"Well...Will I have to dance?"

"Not unless you want to."

"I don't know how to dance." He chuckles again.

"I figured as much. Don't you worry, dear, no one will be looking at you."

What a liar that butler is.

I walked down the corridor with Zain slightly behind me. I think so I wouldn't run away. I can hear the music and the laughter and talk of people. I can see the ball room through the giant open doors and people chatting with little wine glasses in hand. Five feet from the door, I stop. Zain stands beside me and looks at me. I shake my head.

"I'm going to make a complete fool of myself." He shrugs.

"Probably." I shoot him a glare. He chuckles. "But I didn't think you cared about what others thought of you."

"I-I don't!"

"Then go get 'em tiger." And he pushes me forward. I stumble and catch myself on the doorway. After regaining my balance I straighten up and look around. The ball room is bright and warm. The chatter and laughter echoes off of the large room. I look around a little stunned.

"Please don't slouch." Zain says as he steps up beside me. I stand up straighter. He laughs. "But your not a soldier either." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Relax. Breathe." I take a deep breath. "Good."

"I can't even stand right."

"Just relax. Don't worry." He then goes into the ballroom and disappears into the crowd. I Stand in the doorway a little bit longer, looking around.

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