The road leading out of the park and toward the train station was filled with boutiques, second-hand shops, cute cafes, and small restaurants. Anywhere she wanted to look, Seiya enthusiastically joined her.

"This is cute," Seiya said, holding up a gray crop top with long bell sleeves in one of the second-hand shops. At first, Usagi was confused about why he would be saying that about a piece of women's clothing, and then it made sense: he transformed into a woman when he became Sailor Star Fighter.

Usagi smiled. "It would look great on you," she said, and meant it. Star Fighter had a killer body; one Usagi had absolutely admired while out on the field.

Seiya lowered the garment in his hands and his eyes grew dark. "Tell me, Odango." He looked around to make sure the shopkeeper was out of earshot, and took a few steps closer to her. Usagi's heart rate kicked up as she stared at him wide-eyed. "Have you ever been with a woman?"

Usagi heated up a degree as she leaned away from him. "I--" Her previous curiosity toward Haruka came to mind. "I--" This wasn't a difficult question to answer, so why was it so hard to choke out? "No, I haven't."

Seiya chuckled and fluffed one of the buns atop her head. "You're too cute. Would you ever want to be?"

"Seiya!" she shouted, and couldn't control her sudden loud, nervous laughter. The shopkeeper leaned back to get a look at them from the register up front, and Seiya quickly hung up the garment and pushed Usagi back toward the entrance of the store. The two giggled all the while.

Seiya didn't press her for an answer outside of the store, and Usagi was grateful for it. In all honesty, even if he did press her on it, she wasn't sure she could answer, because she didn't know. The thought left her flustered.

"Ready to get back off our feet for a little bit?" Seiya said, pointing further up the road toward a Karaoke-Kan, a skyscraper with hundreds of private rooms to sing one's heart out. That did nothing to ease Usagi's flustered heart.

"Ooooh no," Usagi said with her palms up in surrender. "Rei and Ami can agree-- you do not want to hear me sing."

Seiya's smile turned devilish. "Oh, but I do," he said, entwining his fingers with hers and towing her toward the front door. Maybe this will make him stop liking me, she thought, despite her not really wanting that. She didn't know where she stood with Mamoru anymore, but if Seiya disengaged from chasing after her, would her feelings toward him change and make her decision easier?

You're enjoying yourself. Stop thinking about worst-case scenarios to make yourself feel better.

They reached their private karaoke room on the sixth floor of the building and began flipping through the song catalogs. "Is it tacky to sing my own stuff?" Seiya asked with a chuckle as he removed his hat and shook out his ponytail. "It could help boost the rankings of our songs."

Usagi snorted. "I've heard you sing those songs a million times... and even though I think they're great, I want to hear you sing something else."

Seiya was beaming. "Okay. And what are you going to sing?"

She sighed. "I have a feeling I'm going to be singing whether I like it or not, so I guess I should go first so I'm not following something amazing." She flipped through and honed in on a song, but she wasn't sure she should sing it. Its lyrics spoke to her, but could she get through it? And was it appropriate to sing in front of Seiya?

He caught her staring at the page and picked up the remote. "Read off the code," he said. "I'll punch it in."

With no other choices, and anxious to get her singing portion of this event over with, she read the code. "Miss you" by m-flo flashed across the screen, and Usagi slowly raised the microphone to her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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