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-After Class-

Jaden stretched as he was walking and Crow walked with him as they left the school campus, Yusei and Jack smiles seeing them "hey". "Hey!" Crow said to them his hand waving but Jaden waved and walked off "Great, For once one of the bullies finally got to him" Crow said sarcastically, Jack stood next to Crow "what do you mean". Yusei looks at Jaden and runs to him "hey you ok", "A bully called him every bad word for gay in the book but that wasn't what got him it was the part Jaden hated Your GAY dumb Dragon Wolf whose weak as hell! Why don't you just disappear like your mom" Crow told him shaking with anger. "No a bully mentioned my family line and how I was weak and how my mom disappeared without any trace" Jaden told Yusei afterwards he started tearing up and quivered, "ok when you put someone's family or parent in a comment like that you've gone to far" Jack was angry.

"what does the person look like, I'll make sure he wont say another thing about your mother or family, Jaden your strong don't let this bastard say you aren't" Yusei's eyes had dragon slits in them and his teeth were sharp and he was pissed as hell anger taking control of him, "He's right though I can't even control my dragon side one time some kid called me a fag and when my dragon side took over I beat the crap out of him and he almost died" Jaden told Yusei before sighing again. "Yeah but Jaden swore me to secrecy so I can't tell you how he looks" Crow told Jack, "I'll teach you to control your dragon side, now I want to know where that bastard is" Yusei growls looking around.

"yeah, Yusei likes to protect his friends, he can control his anger, but when someone physically or mentally hurts his friends he snaps, you can tell when he's pissed because his eyes have dragon slits" Jack says, "It's fine Yusei just leave him alone and let me have alone time to think" Jaden told him. "Great it'll be a battle of dragons because all Jaden wants when he's sad is to be alone and the bully who bullied him to be left alone" Crow told him, "but Jay, I just want to protect you" Yusei turns his eyes back to normal. "with Yusei he doesn't tell anyone that he's hurt or angry or upset, he puts others before himself" Jack sighs, Jaden whipped his head around "MAYBE I DON'T WANT YOU TO PROTECT ME! I CAN PROTECT MYSELF SO PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Jaden yelled his eyes turning to dragon slits.

"Well I gotta go now knowing Jaden he'll just want to stay in his room and listen to the song She-Wolf" Crow said to Jack as he started to walk away, Yusei flinched at his tone "SO YOUR SAYING ITS WRONG TO WORRY ABOUT YOU!!!" he yells back and runs away in tears, he only wanted to help the person he loved. "ok see you tomorrow" Jack watched him leave, Jaden sighed he was to harsh and he wanted to apologize but knowing Yusei he might run away from him or yell so Jaden transformed into a dark chocolate colored wolf and chased after Yusei's scent. Yusei cries loudly curled up in a ball on his bed, he only wanted to protect Jaden because he didn't like how people were treating him just because he's gay, as Jaden walked up to a door he used his doggy claws to scratch at the door and whine 'Oh Slifer please let him not notice me' Jaden thought as he kept on scratching and whining.

Yusei walks to the door and opens it "hey there little guy are you lost" he didn't know it was Jaden in that wolf form and kneels down and held his hand out for the wolf to sniff, Jaden wagged his tail and rubbed his head against Yusei's hand. Yusei scratches the wolfs neck checking for a collar "I'm guessing your lonely, come in my parents aren't home yet" his body shook a little, Jaden panted, his tail wagging side to side and walked inside the house and sat down. "would you like something to drink or something to eat" Yusei stood up, Jaden shook his head no. "ok, would you like to go to my room" Yusei asked, Jaden got up and wagged his tail happily and walk over to Yusei.

Yusei smiles and leads the wolf to his room and opens the door, Jaden looked around the room sniffing everything and wandering around the room before sitting down on the floor his tail wagging and he had a doggy smile on his face. Yusei smiles and sits on the floor "so, did you have an owner before" he asked, Jaden thought carefully he didn't know how to answer but he shook his head no. "I don't know why someone wouldn't want someone as beautiful as you" Yusei says and pets his ears, Jaden wagged his tail and barked happily. Yusei giggles "you like that don't you" he moved his hands lower and rubs the base of his ears, Jaden wagged his tail around and bark a bit louder.

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