The Big Reveal

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Escargoon wakes up to the sound of an innocent Waddle Dee entering his room. The Waddle Dee pushes a small tray with a petite teacup set with steaming hot camomile tea. The Waddle Dee approaches Escargoon's bedside, awaiting any further orders. "Waddle Dee, tell Sir Ebrum that I would like to speak with him later on some issues. We will have a meeting at 10:00." The Waddle Dee nods its head rapidly. Escargoon thanks the Waddle Dee as it slowly waddles out of the room, leaving Escargoon to his thoughts. Escargoon sighs as he slowly sips his tea as it has already become lukewarm. He never knew how hard being a king was. Dedede made it look easy. He had always wished to become king but if he knew that it would mean losing the one most important to him he would have never dreamed it in the first place. But today was the day all of that would change.

"Your Majesty, you requested to see me? Sir Ebrum enters Escragoon's throne room with his family. Escargoon sighs. "I have decided to step down from the throne" Everyone jumps in surprise. "What? You can't just step down! Your the king!" Tiff yells running up to Escargoon. "Yeah and who's going to replace you?" Tuff questions. "You're all we have left Your Majesty! We're on the brink of war, do you really think you can step down now and abandon us all?" Sir Ebrum pipes up. "That's why I have a replacement." Escargoon presses a button on his throne as a wall opens up revealing DededeDroid. "What is this your majesty? Some sort of new toy?" Lady Like questions. "This isn't a new toy this is DededeDroid, the new ruler of dreamland."Everyone in the room has a double take. "ARE YOU CRAZY? You think a robot is going to be able to rule Dreamland?" Tiff angrily retorts. "Now now, before you get too angry hear me out. DededeDroid has been programmed to act exactly like Dedede. He will be able to rule Dreamland using the knowledge and skill he has and everything will be able to go back to norma-" "Are you kidding? Is this some sort of joke? That thing isn't Dedede, IT'S A ROBOT! You're delusional Escargoon and you know it. Dedede is gone. He isn't coming back, and a robot isn't going to be able to replace him." Tiff edges closer to the robot. Escargoon worriedly jumps in front of her. "No! He'll be able to rule Dreamland just fine. You'll see. He can do it!" Tiff edges backward and scoffs. "Fine, we'll see how this goes. But just think Escargoon, think about how Dedede would feel about this." Tiff along with the rest of her family exit the room, leaving Escargoon with DededeDroid. Silence. A silence so suffocating it tore at Escargoon's throat. His eyes start to well up as memories begin to flow back to his head.

"Dedede, I don't know about this. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Escargoon wearily grabs onto the king's robe. "Of course it is! I know it's a good idea because I was the one who came up with it! Heheheh!" "But sire you know how much Whispy Woods hates us, I don't think we should have a picnic in the forest. What if we accidentally burn the whole forest down like last time?" Dedede audibly groans. "Awww come on Escargoon, don't be such a wimp! Plus we're here to have a good time right? No need to mope 'bout it." "I'm just trying to be reasonable sire." They continue walking deeper into the woods until they reach a clearing. It was beautiful. There was a small lake with crystal clear water surrounded by lots of small pine trees. "This is a great spot! Come on Escargoon, let's set up our stuff!" Escargoon sighs. "Whatever you say." Dedede turns around to see the annoyed snail slowly unpacking his bag. "Oh come on! Stop being such a downer! Let's have some fun!" Dedede grabs Escargoon's hand and rushes towards the lake. "Hey! What are you doing? Let go! Dedede Please let g-" Dedede then dives into the water while still holding onto Escargoon. They both emerge from the water soaked. "Ughh Dedede did ya have to drag me in too? Great, now we're both wet. And look what you've done. Your whole robe is soaked! That's gonna take forever to dry y'know?" Dedede stares at Escargoon and chuckles. "Heh, I just wanted to liven up the mood. And the water is pretty nice too!" Escargoon looks at his sopping wet king and sighs. "Well, I guess you're right the water is pretty refreshing." Dedede pokes Escargoon's side. His face beaming like a ray of sunshine. "See? I told ya it was a good idea comin' here!" Escargoon smiles at Dedede. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Escargoon bursts into tears, collapsing onto the floor of his throne room. DededeDroid stares, but slowly approaches the broken snail. The robotic penguin wraps its big, metallic arms around the snail's tiny body. Escargoon looks up to see his husband. The big penguin staring lovingly at him. He feels at peace. Escargoon grabs onto Dedede's loving arms, feeling the warmth radiating off of his body. "Dedede I, I love you." Escargoon waited, but there was no response. Escargoon snaps back to reality to see the blank, robotic stare of DededeDroid. Horror fills his mind. This wasn't Dedede hugging him, Dedede was dead. All that is left is an unresponsive robot that resembles his dead lover. Escargoon pries DededeDroid's arms off of him and rushes to his bedroom hastily locking the door behind him. DededeDroid slowly makes his way to Escargoon's room. He approaches the door, but stops when he hears the quiet sound of weeping behind the doorframe...

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