Simple Beginnings

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"Alright, let's test out the mechanics." Escargoon struts towards the giant hunk of metal and presses a somewhat out-of-place button on the mechanical figure's back. The machine whirrs to life as Escargoon stands back to admire his work. The machine's eyes blink rapidly as the motors and pistons in the metal body start to come to life. "DededeDroid, can you hear me?" The giant robot standing in front of Escargoon doesn't move, but the loud noises coming from the robot's mechanics signal that it is processing information. "YES MASTER." That voice was one Escargoon knew all too well but the robotic tone gave off an eery vibe that he couldn't shake away. "Hmm, at least I know the voice box is working, but it's going to need a lot more work." Escargoon approaches the giant machine. It was a perfect replica. It looked exactly like the King that Escargoon longingly wanted to see again. However, Escargoon couldn't ignore that cold stare. It just wasn't the same. The blank stare and hollow eyes of the robot could never replace what he once had. "Oh, I'll just fix the eyes with some contacts." Escargoon brushes off the static robot and continues on with his check-up. "DededeDroid, can you move your body?" The robot slowly looks down at the small snail and lifts its right leg. Escargoon smiles. "Good, now can you try walking?" DededeDroid tries lifting its left leg, but trips on a few of the stranded wires located all across the workspace. DededeDroid comes tumbling down to the floor in front of Escargoon. Escargoon flinches and tries to help the big robot penguin up on its feet. "Geez you scared me for a second! Try being a little more careful. Here, one step at a time, like this!" Escargoon grabs ahold of the metallic penguin and slowly edges towards the other side of the room. "Yes! Just like that! You are doing amazing!" DededeDroid stares at Escargoon, unable to understand what his praise truly meant.

Hours later, Escargoon tired from teaching his new experiment basic functions, shuts down DededeDroid for the night and heads to bed. He walks the empty halls of the castle. It's really late. Sir Ebrum and Lady Like's family have certainly been in bed by now and it's impossible to keep track of Meta Knight nowadays. And of course Kirby could be just about anywhere. Escargoon reaches his bedroom that he once shared with a certain someone. The wave pattern on the walls and the giant boombox in the room remind him of memories that he will never forget.

"YO ESCAHGOON! I need a bit'a help ovah here!" Escargoon enters the room to see his husband sitting in front of the once working boombox. "Oh what did you do now? Dedede you gotta stop breaking everything you own!" Escargoon sighed and approached the overweight monarch. "I'm tryin okay? I just wanted to play some tunes and the thing exploded on me! Can ya fix it? Please Goonie-Goo?" Escargoon looked Dedede who was trying to pull off the puppy-dog eyes. "Ugh, fine. I'll have it fixed by tonight, but you have to be more careful okay?" Dedede jumped up and lifted Escargoon into the air. "Awww thanks Goonie! I love ya!" Escargoon blushed. "Yeah yeah, I love you too la big lug now can you please put me down?" Dedede laughs. "Now what would be the fun in that?" Dedede gave Escargoon a quick peck on the cheek and then ran out of the room carrying Escargoon in his arms.

Escargoon sighs as he reminisces about old times. He would do absloutely anything to relive those moments again. He reaches the giant king-sized bed feeling even bigger without his lover next to him. Escargoon clings to the soft bedsheets, trying to find something, anything to hold close to him, just like how he used to hold him as he silently cries himself to sleep.

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