The shock

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Peter stood there,stunned. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't know what to think.he started freaking out. He dropped his bag making a slight crack in the floor he frantically rummaged through his bag. He pulled out his Spider-Man mask and quickly put it on.
Karen: welcome back Peter
" hey Karen. I need you to call mr.stark right now. And make sure he answers. Karen did what was asked and Tony's face appeared on the screen.
" oh hey kid how's it going?"
" mr stark!" Peter says freaking out and hyperventilating.
" woah woah kid calm down what's wrong?"
" aunt "Peter says still hyperventilating.
"Kid I cant understand u speak up."
" aunt is lying on the floor! She's not breathing!"
" kid calm down where are you?"
" at my house"
" ok I'll send some security over there right now stay calm"
" o...ok mr.stark "
" everything is going to be fine kid!"
The police then showed up and a ambulance. They paramedics took aunt may onto a stretcher and wheeled her into the ambulance. Peter was watching it all in fright.
A ambulance member told him his ride would be there soon and that he can come to the hospital tomorrow" the ambulance drove off with the police car following close behind. Then a black limo showed up the door opened.
" kid are you ok?" The shadow coming out of the limo said. " I....I..uh..I" Peter shuddered still trying to process what was happening.
Tony got him into the limo and it drove off.
" do you know what happened to your aunt?" Tony asked trying to calm Peter down.
" I just came home and sh-she was lying on the floor right infront of me and I didn't know what to do" Peter said sobbing.

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