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Meanwhile, at the high school, the new boy was left sitting in the lobby of the office. He was slightly annoyed with how long he had been waiting there to get his schedule and locker number.

It had been going on an hour now and he was no closer to getting his papers than when he first walked in. However, he didn't really care. He was missing his first class, so that was always okay with him. What really consumed his wandering mind was the gorgeous brunette from earlier in the parking lot.

She was beautiful. She looked so nice and kind and he knew she was someone he was going to have to get to know if he wanted to climb the social ladder to being the 'King of Hawkins High School'.

Plus, she was the only one who gave him a genuine smile. Everyone else gawked and commented on his good looks and his nice car. She was the only one who really seemed to care about his sudden appearance.

As the bell begins ringing for his next class, he sighs in aspiration. Hoping he would finally get his schedule.

How long does it take to get the damn papers?

Much to his luck, the school's secretary finally handed him his papers, announcing that he would have a personal tour of the school by one of the favored students for his next class period.

At this point, all the boy wanted to do was get to his class and have the day go by fast without any interruptions.

As he was opening his mouth to speak about how he doesn't need a guide, the front office door swings open and in walks the pretty brunette.

"Ah, Emma! I'm glad you're here, would you please give a tour to our newest student Mr. Hargrove?"

Emma smile at the woman and nodded her head, "Of course, Mrs. Harper!"

Emma turned to blonde boy and grinned, "Hi! I'm Emma. You must be...." Emma trailed off and looked at his papers in his hand, "William. Welcome to Hawkins." She said as she put her hand out.

William carefully looked at the girl. She is even more of a beauty up close. Her hair was dark brown and her eyes were the same, and although William would usually find brown eyes boring and dull, Emma's were anything but. Her eyes were bright and squinted when she smiled. Her cheeks were flushed from the rush to getting to the middle school to the high school.

"It's actually Billy, but you can call me yours if you want." He said with a smirk.

Emma laughed. She was used to constantly being flirted with. She just brushed it off her shoulders. Billy Hargrove was charming, but he would have to try a lot harder if he wanted Emma Harrington hanging off his arm.

"Cute," Emma smiled at Billy. He is pretty enchanting, however, Emma wasn't really looking for a relationship at the moment. All she needed was a good friend. Maybe she would find that in Billy himself, "Let's start the tour."

As Emma showed the school to Billy, all he could acknowledge was the way  Emma Harrington held herself. She was stunning, and he wanted her. He wanted every bit of her, from her luscious brunette hair, to her long delicate legs.

"Here is the cafeteria, where you will quickly learn is the best place in the whole school. The one place where you can hang with your friends and not have to worry about class for an extra forty-five minutes."

"Will I be one of those friends you hang out with here?" Billy was a flirt. Emma could clearly see that from the second she laid her eyes on him. But he was a funny one, he seemed to make her smile more times than any of her other friends have since Barb disappeared.

Emma missed Barbara Holland. She was a true friend, much more of a friend than Carol and Tommy H. who she used to converse with last year, before her brother showed his soft side to someone besides his twin.

Even Emma could admit that she didn't really like the way Steve was with others last year. He was a real jerk to anyone and everyone besides Emma and Nancy Wheeler. Emma could clearly remember the time he "accidentally dropped" Jonathan Byers, the older brother of Will, camera. Although, he did kind of deserve it considering he was caught with exposing pictures of both Nancy and Emma while they had changed in some dry clothes from being pushed in the pool earlier that night.

Emma didn't really like him after that incident, and she couldn't understand how or why Nancy still talked to him. Emma may have a heart of gold, but even she had limits to who she called her friends, and while Will Byers was one of her favorite kids, his brother Jonathan was not. If she could go her whole high school life, and even after, not talking to the older Byers boy, she would definitely be okay with that.

"Sure Billy, you can meet my friends! It'll be good for you to make some. They're really cool. Hey, maybe you would even be friends with my brother."

Emma had a feeling Billy and Steve could be good friends, however, they are both egotistical high schoolers, so fingers crossed that won't get in the way of a great friendship.

"I don't know babe. I was thinking just me and you, at a corner table, close and personal," Billy smirked stepping closer than he should with Emma, especially if Steve could have seen him. Although, Emma didn't let it show on her face, Billy Hargrove was making her very nervous. She always had someone complimenting her on her good looks or her smile, but she never had someone be so straight forward with her the way Billy was just now. He really knew how to make a girl sweat, however, Emma Harrington was just an innocent minded teen. She always found the good in people, and she knew Billy was good all-round. He just covered it up with flirty comments and sexual innuendos.

"Sure. It could just be us, I would love to know what it's like in California. You can tell me all about it, but let's get back to the tour."

Emma continued with the tour, leaving an amused and confused smile upon Billy Hargrove's pretty face.

Billy could admit he's never met a girl like Emma before. She's sweet and kind. She's so different. Much different from previous girls he has met. The girls that want him to be another notch in their belt. No one has ever flat out ignored his firting and went straight to getting to know him, and although he would never admit to anyone - maybe not even to himself - he liked it. He wanted someone to get to know him, he wanted to have someone ask him questions about his life before the move Hawkins, Indiana. Even questions about his childhood, that he would completely ignore and change the topic of but appreciate that someone would ask anyway.

Billy Hargrove, who just got to Hawkins High School two hours ago, could tell that Emma Harrington was every bit of good girl. He wasn't blind. He noticed the way the teachers and office staff favored her, now that he thought about it they were probably waiting until she walked in to give him his papers so it could be her to give the tour-- which he is not complaining about one bit. He could see the way she dresses. Almost professional, but a hint of seductiveness. Almost like she knew she had all the boys wrapped around her finger. She was one of those cases where all the boys wanted her and all the girls wanted to be her, yet no one had any bad blood against her. Emma Harrington was hands down the nicest person anyone has ever met, Nancy Wheeler coming in right after her.

Everyone loved her, and although the girls would envy her, especially Carol, no one really wanted to harm her because of it.

Like Emma Harrington wants to know everything about Billy, he wants to know everything about her too, and not just to get to the highest part of the Hawkins High School's social ladder.

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