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'Haha, you may have broken through my supreme barrier but you will never escape my strongest move! GRAVITY PULL! I would love to see you get sucked in by gravity and then get crushed into nothing! It's just like being sucked into a mini Black Hole! HAHAHAHAHA!' Boros smiled confidently. 'Bring it on.' he said.

Geryuganshoop used Gravity Pull and Boros immediately landed on the ground with great impact, even though he didn't want to. 'Oh, it's actually pretty strong.' Boros thought 'Wow... It's actually... making me tickle. I still like this octopus though. He is quite powerful. But I will still have to show this weirdo how powerful I am.' Suddenly purple light emerged from Boros. 'Now I am using 50% of the power of my unreleased form!' Boros yelled 'You were pretty strong to make me do that!' 

Geryuganshoop was both astonished and frightened by now. Suddenly, Boros jumped up in the air and came near him. 'He is actually able to jump... while my Gravity Pull is still on.' he thought 'What type of insane power is this?' Boros was about to punch him but he swiftly dodged. 'Please!' he started yelling 'Please spare me, oh great one! Please spare meeeee!' Gracio was overhearing all of this. 'You backstabbing idiot.' he thought. He still didn't go near Boros or Griosta since he was too scared to face them. 

'Spare you?' Boros asked 'Why should I do that? You tried to kill me and wanted to get squashed, right?' 'B-because I can serve you for life if you spare me!' Geryuganshoop stuttered 'I a-am p-p-powerful, I p-promise. Please... Spare me.' 'That is true.' Boros thought 'This guy is pretty powerful. What will I get out of killing him anyways?' 

'Okay.' Boros said as he landed on the ground 'I spare you.' Geryuganshoop landed on the ground too and immediately hugged Boros with his tentacles as he said "I shall never forget this merciful thing you just did." 'Yeah, but you also shouldn't forget about your promise!' Boros said. 'Of course not.' Geryuganshoop replied. 

Griosta got up and was healed up by now. 'Ughhh, it takes me so much time to heal up!' he moaned. 'I have a suggestion for you.' Boros said to Griosta after hearing that 'If you focus on that specific part which has been injured during the regeneration process then it will regenerate WAY faster.' 'Oh.' Griosta realized. 

'I cannot let them get away like this!' Gracio thought 'I must defeat them! Fine, I will use my final form for the first time. The Psychic Destructor Form...' 

One Punch Man: Boros' JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now