Chapter 6

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After the present was delivered, Captain Hook and Smee followed the other pirates to the ship with their hostages. "This is so not how I wanted to spend my night" Dorothy complained. "At least we're in this together" said Leona. A while later, the pirates started to sing as they had their victims all tied up to introduce Captain Hook. Wendy, her brothers, Nana, Lost Boys, Dorothy, and Leona were tied up at a mast. Smee danced along with the other pirates. Captain Hook found it annoying, so he knocked Smee out on the head, then looked to his victims. He started to tell them the pros about what would happen if they joined his crew but then told them the cons if they didn't join his crew. The con was mostly about if they didn't agree to go into the crew, that they would be forced to walk the plank. The choice was up to them. "I would rather die than join his crew." Dorothy whispered. Captain Hook sat at a desk and had a contract and quill ready. One of the crew members cut them free, allowing the boys to run off to sign the contract. "Boys!" Wendy called. "Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?" "But Captain Hook is not insistent, Wendy." John explained. "Yeah, he says we'll walk the plank if we don't." the rabbit reminded. "Oh, no he won't. Peter Pan will save us." Wendy smiled. "Peter Pan will save them" Captain Hook laughed like what Wendy said was a joke. "Did you hear that, Smee?" Smee laughed with him. This was confusing Dorothy and Leona of why they were laughing about Peter Pan going to save the kids.

"But a thousand pardons, my dear." Captain Hook said to Wendy. "I don't believe you are in on our little joke. You see, we left a present for Peter. Sort of a surprise package, you might say. Why, I can see our little friend at this very moment...reading the tender inscription." "What are you talking about?" asked Dorothy. "Could he but see within the package, he would find an ingenious little device." Captain Hook said with a dark smile. "Set, so when the clock is like this..." Smee added as he made his hands look like a clock reading '6:00'. "Peter Pan will be blasted out of Neverland forever." Captain Hook finished. Dorothy and Leona gasped in shock. Soon, everyone saw an explosion and thought that Peter had died. "And so passeth, a worthy opponent." Captain Hook said, removing his hat for respect. "Amen." Smee added.

"And now, which will it be?" Captain Hook asked his hostages after they got over the 'loss' of Peter. "The pen or the plank?" "Captain Hook, we will never join your crew." Wendy said with a deep scowl. "And I would rather die than be in your crew." Dorothy glared at the evil captain. "Dorothy!" Leona cried. "As you wish. Ladies first, my dears." said Captain Hook. He let Wendy and Dorothy go and the girls began to say their goodbyes. "Goodbye, boys." Wendy told her brothers. "Oh, Wendy, we'll miss you." Michael frowned. "Dorothy, you can't do this" Leona was about to tear up. "If something bad was ever gonna happen, I'd let it happen to me. No matter what, I will always protect you" Dorothy replied. The twins hugged and Leona started to cry. "Be strong, John." Wendy told her brother. "I shall strive to, Wendy." John promised his sister. The pirates roared and growled, forcing Dorothy and Wendy to get on with it. This looked like it could be the end of both of them. The two girls climbed up on the plank, looking down to their future watery grave. Wendy let a tear roll down her cheek. The both of them, thinking this was the end, took one last step and fell off the plank, heading into the ocean. "Wendy! Dorothy!" Michael cried. Captain Hook grinned eagerly, but then instantly frowned as something was missing: The splash of death. "N-N-No splash, Captain." Smee said, scared after not seeing a ripple in the ocean. "Not a sound." Hook added. Smee pointed into the water. "Not a bloomin' ripple!" "It's a jinx, that's what it is." another pirate added in.

Unknown to any of them; Peter and Tinker Bell had survived the blast and had saved Dorothy and Wendy. Peter carried Wendy while Tinker Bell put pixie dust on Dorothy, making her fly. Then they all stayed quiet and hidden for now. Even if it was funny for the pirates to believe that the ocean could be jinxed. The Lost Boys, Darling brothers, and Leona just stood in stunned silence and confusion. "No splash, Captain." another pirate said. "So...You want a splash, Mr. Starsky?" Captain Hook smirked to him, then grabbed him and threw him into the water. "THERE'S YOUR SPLASH! Who's next!?" "You're next, Hook!" a voice called to the pirate captain. Captain Hook and Smee were spooked and they saw Peter was alive and well. "Say your prayers, Hook!" Peter drew out his sword. The hostages cheered to see Peter. "And the girls!" Michael smiled once he saw his older sister and new friend were okay. "They're blooming ghosts, Captain." Smee said, scared. "I'll show you the ghosts have blood in their veins!" Captain Hook snarled. "I'll run 'em right through!" Captain Hook drew his sword as it was a pirate attack between good against evil. The boy began to fight him. Peter was tormenting Hook like he usually does and the hostages watched the fight in suspense and worry.

Wendy was horrified and worried. "We have to help him and get away!" "But how?" Dorothy asked. "Hmm..." John tried to think, being the logical one of all of them now since Peter was fighting. During the fight, Peter cut everyone free with his sword. The other pirates noticed and went after the hostages. Nana snarled and jumped in front of the pirates, barking like a mad dog since they were threatening the children she looked after back at home. This caused the pirates to laugh, thinking that she couldn't hurt them. Nana growled and went after one pirate and bit him firmly on his backside. This made the pirate yell out in pain. "Yeah, go Nana!" Michael cheered. One pirate got Nana off and threw her down on the board. Nana growled and kept lunging after the pirates. "Come on, while they're distracted!" Dorothy said, running off the other way on deck. The crocodile came into the water, waiting for Captain Hook to possibly fall into the water so he could eat. Peter continued to fight Captain Hook. Hook wasn't going to give up though. This madness in Neverland had to end now. "Hold your fire..." John said as he grouped with the Lost Boys, Dorothy, and Leona as the pirates were climbing after them. "Steady men... Steady... FIRE!" The Lost Boys used their weapons against the pirates. One pirate came up and tried to slice John, but Tinker Bell helped him dodge each blade strike. And it was annoying the pirate as he was trying to kill John. Michael hit the pirate on his head with his teddy bear which actually made a painful clanging noise. "Michael, what is your teddy bear made of?" Leona asked. "I put a cannon ball inside him." Michael explained. "That makes sense and that's really smart." said Dorothy. Michael smiled bashfully.

"How do you think it's going for Peter?" Leona asked. "I'm sure he's got it." Dorothy said before one pirate grabbed her and pulled her down. "LET GO!" The pirate laughed at her. Michael used his teddy bear as a weapon again as he hit the pirate on the head. The pirate let go of Dorothy. Dorothy nearly fell, but she grabbed onto the rope and did her best to climb after the others. The Lost Boys, John, Michael, Dorothy, and Leona managed to make the pirates throw themselves overboard. The only ones left now where just Captain Hook and Peter. "This is it..." Dorothy whispered as she stayed close to the Lost Boys, Nana, her friends, and brother. "We just have to pray that Peter will win." Leona whispered. "I still don't know if I'm ready to grow up." Cubby pouted. "Maybe when we take them back home when Peter wins, we'll stay here." the rabbit agreed. "Uh-huh." the raccoon twins agreed. It seemed as though Peter was going to win against the pirate pretty easily. The crocodile was eagerly and anxiously waiting for his dinner. "Fly! Fly! Fly! You coward!" Hook yelled. "Coward? Me?" Peter asked. "Ha-ha-ha! You wouldn't dare fight old Hook man-to-man! You'd fly away like a cowardly sparrow!" Hook mocked. "Nobody calls Pan a coward and lives! I'll fight you man-to-man, with one hand behind my back." Peter argued. "You mean you won't fly?" asked Hook. "No, don't, Peter! It's a trick!" said Dorothy. "I give my word, Hook." Peter agreed to the no flying deal. This made everyone worried.

Captain Hook battled against Peter to be done with him for good and he had promised not to fly which seemed like a dumb move. Captain Hook managed to get Peter on the ground and chucked away his sword. It looked like doomsday for Peter. 'Peter, be careful.' Wendy thought to herself. "You don't have much of a choice! You have to fly!" Leona urged. "No, I gave my word!" Peter replied firmly. The crocodile swam through the waters and smirked to Captain Hook, wanting for him to fall so he could eat the evil captain at last. Peter jumped, grabbed the pirate flag and wrapped it around Hook. "You're mine, Hook!" Peter glared as he had turned the tables while keeping true to his word with the fiendish pirate. This made everyone cheer. "Cleave him to the brisket!" Michael cheered as Wendy hugged him. "You wouldn't do old Hook in, would you, lad?" Hook looked very anxious himself. "I'll go away forever...I'll do anything you say!" "Well, alright." Peter said before smirking to his old enemy. "If you say you're a codfish!" Captain Hook gulped nervously. "I'm a codfish." "Louder!" Peter pointed his sword firmly to the pirate. "I'm a codfish!" Hook yelled. This made Wendy, Dorothy, Leona, Michael, John, and the Lost Boys to cheer. Even the crocodile was enjoying this. "All right, Hook. You're free to go, and never return." Peter said before chucking away Hook's sword and did his infamous rooster call out of victory. Then Hook grinned darkly as he was going to kill the boy with his hook instead of his sword this time. "PETER!" Wendy gaped. Luckily, Peter dodged Hook just in time and the pirate fell overboard. Captain Hook swam as fast as he could from Tick Tock as it began to chase him. Captain Hook cried out for Smee as the crocodile's wishes had finally been fulfilled. The pirate escaped as the crocodile tormented Captain Hook as they left Neverland, perhaps and hopefully, forever.

Dorothy and Leona Meet Peter PanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang