Short pt 2 & Teddy Bear

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We're back, sorry to keep you guys waiting but I don't have a schedule nor do I know how to keep track of time, although I think updates will be better in 2 weeks.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Power of five or it's characters.

#9 Short part 2

"Hey, Pedro how tall are you?" Scarlett asked as she grabbed a color pencil from her color bag. "I mean I know you're shorter than me but I don't know by how much."

"4'9 and what's that suppose to mean." He questioned with an annoyed tone.

"She's saying you're short Pedro!" Scott shouted from the living room, he already knew the situation Scarlett was getting into but he decided to poke fun at Pedro while he's at it.

"Scott cállate!" Pedro argued as he then turned to Scarlett. "And Scarlett how tall are you exactly, you're short as well so you can't be that tall."

"I'm a proud 5'1 thank you very much, plus being short isn't always bad." She expressed as a smile started to appear. "If you're short a lot of people consider you adorable and I have to say that I think you're living proof of that, you're adorable!"

Pedro then started to blush since he's never been called adorable in his life, Scar noticed this and started to tease him even more.

"Aw, you're blushing, so cute!" She said as she started to hug him, Pedro tried to get out of her hold but she was too strong. "Wait let me see something, Hey Matt get in here!"

Matt got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. "What do you need?"

"Do you think Pedro is an adorable tiny bean?" Scarlett asked as Pedro was trying to make her shut up. "He so cute and tiny, he's like a feisty wittle bunny wabbit!"

"I guess he is adorable," Matt said, he wasn't sure how to answer so he tried going with the safest answer, of course, Pedro just got more red and embarrassed when he said that.

"Damn you, Matteo, Damn you, Scarlett!" He barked as he tried hiding his blushing face.

"Now we need another opinion, Scott, Jamie get in here!"

"No!" Pedro yelled.

And that's how the entire afternoon went from just relaxing to gushing about how cute and tiny Pedro is.

#10 Teddy Bear part 3

After Raven's Gate

Richard got back to the flat just before Matt arrived from school, which is a good thing since he didn't want Matt to ask where he was thus ruining the surprise. Richard heard the front door open and close to reveal a tired Matt.

"Hey Matt, how was school?"

"It was okay, better than yesterday," Matt replied as he placed his bag by the couch, Matt's school life wasn't exactly the best and he wasn't lying when he said that today was better than yesterday, Gavin didn't pick on him as much.

"Want anything to eat?"

"No thanks, I'm fine."

"Well, since I got the day off do you want to do anything?"

"Were you cleaning while I was gone?" Matt asked in a somewhat teasing tone.

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't."

"You did." He smirked.

"Do want to do anything or not."

"Well I have been wanting to beat you at video games."

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