Chapter 3: The Eyrie

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Tori had been awoken by a maid.

"Wake up, my lady. Your father has requested to see you in his chambers." Tori sat up wiping the sleep from her tired eyes. Tyberion let out a slight growl in an attempt to yawn.

The maid's eyes widened slightly, but she covered it quickly. "Perhaps, you should wash your face with some cold water, while I prepare your dress." 

Tori slowly nodded, more to herself than to the older woman. She threw the blankets back and wobbled faintly as she stood up, feet landing on the cool stone floor sending a shiver up her spine. Tyberion lept to his feet, prepared to follow Victoria wherever she went.

She walked toward the dressing table - lion in tow - which had a big bowl of water waiting for her use. She stiffened as she caught a glimpse of her self in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and red, with dried tear tracks running down her cheeks.

She dunked her hands into the bowl, splashing water on her face. She took her time letting the cold water run it's way down her skin, before patting herself dry with a nearby cloth.

She looked at her face in the mirror and was happy that the marks had more or less gone away, though her eyes still looked a bit puffy. She didn't think much of it, she didn't need to impress anyone.

She turned toward her bed, unlacing her nightgown and letting it fall to the floor with a feathery thump. Tori then grabbed the dress the maid had laid out for her and stepped into it.

She pulled the dress over her body and motioned for the maid's help. Tori braced her hands against the desk as the maid began to lace her dress tightly with many knots and bows. 

Tori hurried to the mirror, eager to get a glimpse of herself in this dress. The dress was a beautiful pale blue color with lacy white trimmings and details. Tyberion, stationed by Tori's right leg, rubbed his face along her outer thigh as if to say he approved of this dress.

Tori moved down the halls at a leisurely pace; as if she had no care in the world for anything but her thoughts. Tyberion followed immediately behind, paying close attention.

'Who were those people in her dream? Why did she feel like this? Why was she so relaxed around those people?'

She was pulled from her thoughts by the loud squeak of her father's office door, echoing down the hall. She smiled lightly at the familiar sight: her father sitting behind his desk staring down at the pile of scrolls that sat on his desk.

"Good morning, Father!" She greeted him, beaming at the older man with excitement. 

"Good morning, to you my beloved daughter," Tywin said smiling. Just then the doors to his office opened abruptly. Tori looked at Tywin, and by the look on his face, she knew he must have been expecting whoever it was.

Tyberion sniffed loudly trying to catch the scent, and finally a loud exhale emerged. Victoria knew Tyberion's signs very well, she knew that the exhale meant that he was content; that nothing harmful was approaching.

From behind the door, she saw her mother's figure appear. "Good morning, my darling daughter." Lady Mariana said in a voice that showed how happy she truly was. Tori beamed just as brightly back at her.

"Good morning, beautiful Mother." She said happily, before a quick embrace.

Tori began to wonder why she was so on edge today? Was it because of that dream she had last night? She needed to know who those people were. 

Tyberion began to paw, endearingly, at Victoria's leg. She knew this meant that he was hungry. She grabbed a bowl and some raw meat and set it outside for Tyberion. He always ate his meals alone outside, because feeding time was dangerous as lions do not play about their food.

She came back in to hear her parents discussing the weather and things of the sort. 

"Fine morning it is, dear wife," Tywin said to his wife with a warm smile. Mariana nodded in agreement. 

He turned back to Tori, looking into her eyes for a prolonged period. He smiled a sad smile and said, "Tori, your mother and I talked last night." 

Her mother's smile faded slightly, she too smiled a sad smile at Tori. To Tori, her mother was the most beautiful woman in the world. She had long blonde hair with a few rich brown highlights hidden underneath. Her eyes were the most intense ice-blue; the type you'd typically see on a blind person. 

Tori smiled at her parents and nodded for them to continue.

Tywin began, "We have decided to let you be fostered, darling." 

Tori jumped with joy at the news, she was shocked. She had a feeling her father would allow her to break away from the norm, and train with another male. "Thank you so much, Father. Mother, Thank you for allowing this! I won't disappoint you." Tori exclaimed to her parents.

"Your mother and I have already chosen the house in which we wish for you to stay," Tywin informed her. Tori's mind went blank, she wondered who it could be. She was so happy at the thought of being fostered. She beamed at them, her smile so wide it looked like her face might shatter.

"Where? Who? Oh, thank you Mother, and Father! Thank you so much!" Tori threw her body at her parents. She hugged her mother, then threw her arms heavily around Tywin's neck. He let out a huff as the air was knocked out of his lungs by his growing daughter.

"We are sending you to the Eyrie, to be the ward of Jon Arryn." The color drained from Tori's face. She was pale as a sheet, though her parents didn't seem to notice. A familiar name.

She began having flashbacks to her dream. She quickly pushed the thoughts from her mind and plastered the bright smile back onto her face.

'What was going on?' She thought to herself.

A fortnight later, Tori found herself surrounded by army soldiers as they approached their destination. They only had three days left on their journey, so they set up camp for the day. Tyberion was tired from carrying Victoria all this way and was happy to get some rest.

Tori spent the night polishing and sharpening her somewhat dull sword. It wasn't that she didn't trust the guards, she was afraid to have that dream again. No one could protect her from that; not father and certainly not Tyberion.

She was afraid because she didn't understand what was going on. Why was she dreaming of these people? Who are Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon? Why was she so relaxed and comfortable around these strangers? She had so many unanswered questions.

Hearing the faint snores of her young lion, she began to tire out. Finally, she sheathed her sword and forced herself to dream.

This time dreaming of a tragic romance between a beautiful dark-haired girl and a blonde man with purple eyes.

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