We Could Have It All

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First envy, then comes shame
Then secrets and then blame
The quiet resignation on your face
You've spoken all you truth
Your shaken and your bruised
There's nothing left to prove


Me and Billie have been dating for 3 months now. Once the tour finished I moved in with her. Sky moved to the USA as well for a job. Today was a day like any other, check the sound system, hang with Billie and chill but you couldn't help but feel something was off. It mainly the song in your head. It was not a good one.

There were no black cats in our past
I've been tied, stepping cracks in the pavement
Everybody thought we would be the ones
To have it all
I could be the one we could be the ones
To have it

First envy, then comes shame
Then secrets and then blame
No quiet resignation on your face
You've spoken all your truths
Your shaken and your bruised
There's nothing left to prove

Always always we could be
what you promised me
So close so close weren't we
We almost had it
Always always you can get what you want but not what you need
Someday someday you and me
We could have it all

(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
(We could have it all)

There were no second thoughts in my head
There were no monster underneath our beds
Everybody thought we would be the ones
To have it all
We could have been the ones I should have been the one
To have it

First envy, then comes shame
Then secrets and then blame
No quiet resignation on your face
You've spoken all your truth
Your shaken and your bruised
There's nothing left to prove

Always always we could be
What you promised me
So close so close weren't we
We almost had it
Always always you can get what you want but not what you need
Someday someday you and me
We could have it all

(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
(We could have it all)

We've got nothing left to lose
We got nothing left to prove
You and I know the truth
There was nothing else that we could do

Always always we could be
What you promised me
So close so close weren't we
We almost had it
Always always you can get what you want but not what you need
Someday someday you and me
We could have it all

(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
We could have it all
(We could have it all)
(We could have it all)

Nothing had gone wrong so why was I thinking of this. I shook of the feeling and carried on checking the sound. I probably just liked the song. I suppose it was karma, karma for thinking that nothing would go wrong, karma for getting to happy and comfortable ,that that exact moment was where it went wrong. Hands clamped over my mouth and I was plunged into darkness.

I jolted awake unable to move because of the chains holding me in place. That was the third time I'd had that dream. I mean, it was an important moment, the day I met Billie and the day I was ripped away from her. Just like that, my whole world ripped from me. I guess I just couldn't be happy, that was too much to ask.

I shook my head to clear it and immediately regretted it. Yesterday's fight had left a nasty bruise on my cheek and shaking my head caused a wave of pain and nausea to hit me.

I heard the faint roar of the crowd as the door to the arena opened. This was the fifth time today. That meant it was my turn. I mentally prepared myself for the fight. I had become quite good at fighting after a while and was currently the champion of the arena but my first fights we more like beat ups. I slowly learnt tips and tricks. Thank God I was a quick learner. At least He had given me that.

The door to my cell opened and the light blinded me.  I winced as someone roughly grabbed my arm, right on a bruise. They dragged me out of my cell and shoved me in the arena. As I stepped in everybody screamed and cheered. I didn't look much but I had gained a reputation. Nobody knew my real name so they had given me one. I dont know where it came from but they were all chanting it know. Ash.

I studied my opponent. Slow, relies on brute force, clearly underestimated me. Mistake. The horn rang signally the start of the fight. He ran at me obviously hoping to end it in one punch. He swung at my head but I ducked, grabbed his wrist and broke it. He staggered back and I tripped him up and spun him round so he landed on his front. I grabbed his broken wrist, pressed a knee into the small of his back and started to pull. Within seconds he had tapped out. I gave his arm one last vicious tug then pushed him to the ground.

The horn rang again signalling that the fight was over. I was dragged back to my cell and left in darkness again. I quickly did my exercises and then went back to doing nothing. This how my day went. All day everyday. I got 3 meals a day so that I could fight but other than that, nothing happened.

There was a punishment area but I had decided early on not to cause trouble. There was no point in it. All it did was hurt, but hey, that's what everything did in my life. Hurt.

Always always we could be
What you promised me
So close so close weren't we
We almost had it
Always always you can get what you want but not what you need
Someday someday you and me
We could have it all

If you didn't understand that then basically the rest of the book was just a dream of when you first met Billie. The next book will be about your current life and what happens in the arena.

Sniff sniff I smell a sequel.
Word count: 1167


Hurts 2B Human - Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now