And when I am back on Asgardian ground they can be sure that this will not be the end. They cannot lock me away like a stolen relic to rot in chains. Not when THEY are the true deceivers,

They accuse me of lies and deception but they no more virtuous.

"And so to prevent the legend we are just doing this to protect her," Steve Foxx stood closer to the cage I was so foolishly enclosed in. No Midgardian contraption could trap me, not truly.

A proud chuckle left my throat at that leaving a smirk on my face. "And you're doing a brilliant job at that," I remarked with the intended sarcasm.

"From you," the human added as if ignoring my words of jest. Although I saw my reaction was not what he was expecting. His response didn't warrant one from me, because why should I waste my time giving such an ignorant and shallow minded creature the satisfaction of an answer.

This was hardly how the Midgard had wanted the meeting between himself and I to progress. "She isn't human. Ayesha never has been." He sighed deeply, keeping his voice calm to quash his rising impatience. I could tell at first glance that he had a short temper.

"Are you only just realising that?" I remarked with a small laugh, turning my head to look towards him as I rolled my eyes.

It was then when I had caught his interest. Of course I knew Ayesha was not of Midgardian lineage. "How long have you known?" Steve questioned, folding his arms with a frown.

Now it was my turn to play games. How ironic that the one locked up and in chains was the one in charge, taking control of the situation. And the funniest thing was that my supposed captors didn't have the slightest clue to what I was doing. I never go into anything without a plan. To do so would be arrogant, foolish and illogical. It would follow the example of Thor and The Warriors Three. I myself use logic, reasoning and tactics. And magic. An art only practiced by those with intelligence. "I'm sorry, you may have said you're the only one asking the questions," I smirked, "but never once did I say I was obliged to answer any of them."

Just as he was about to retort back with rage the door at the back of the room was unlocked and opened. A handful of Hydra agents filled the room, joining us. Amongst them was Ayesha. Her eyes wouldn't even meet mine opting for a view of the ground below her feet instead. Of course to her, and everyone else in audience I appeared as a beaten and worn and weaker version of myself. Making it seem as if the harsh torture they could concoct had caused me sufficient harm. "Look at the monster, the precious imaginary friend now," Steve practically spat, his mere presence causing me great aggravation.

I'm sorry.

I heard Ayesha's voice whisper quietly to me in my head, ashamed. This wasn't her fault and she had no right to think it was.

Trust me Ayesha. I know what I'm doing.

"Look at him Ayesha," Steve scorned forcing her to look at me, she'd been crying.

Are you sure? Please get us both out of this? She thought to me, casting her gaze upon my countenance.

I give you my word.

Ayesha was still unaware that she was merely looking at mere illusion of me and took the chance to voice her opinion, albeit shakily. It did make a change for somebody to try and defend me. " There's no need to have to hurt him.."

"Ah so she does speak," Steve retorted, trying to get a negative rouse from me.

But I was not prepared to let anything happen to Ayesha. "Leave her alone."

"Not before she sees the show," The Midgardian opened the cage, and joined by my side after picking up a small weapon. A weapon that could harm the illusion but not in reality. How dare he think just because I am chained up means it is safe to be in such close proximity to me. I glared daringly at the man, challenging him to try anything. Much as I had expected he had the audacity to slash the blade across my left cheek, resulting in blood to run down my cheekbone. He held tightly my head as I grimaced, seemingly too weak to react as he dug the knife deeper into my cheek, worsening the wound and causing a loud high pitched cry from Ayesha. He was a dead man. I vowed to seal his fate in the grimmest of ways.

They only brought Ayesha here to witness their vulgar treatment over me. Humans, they never fail to disgust me.

"NO! LOKI!" Ayesha screamed trying to break free from the agents to get to me desperately.

"Send her back to her room," Steve demanded and they obliged, following his order perfectly. Only one agent stayed behind with the company of myself and the so-called father figure in Ayesha's life.

"You should not have done that," I darkened, uttering my words in low dangerous tone. There was no point in hiding my anger now.

Steve who was about to exit the room to leave an agent to watch over me while I was in the now locked cage, spun on his heels in my direction. Pitiful. It's like they have underestimated who they are dealing with. A huge mistake on their part. "There is no power any Asgardian or the like has here. We nothing like Shield I should add."

I'm not Asgardian.

My emerald eyes, burned harshly in anger. He would learn not to say that to me. "And yet Hydra is still afraid, keeping me in a cage."

"Hydra knows no fear," Steve's arrogance shone through, and I could not help the laugh that left me, "People fear Hydra. And so will you."

"Fear is the main motivation?" I raised an eyebrow of disappointment at him. Midgardians always have that yearning, that mad scramble for power but at the same time lost with ignorance. They should have let me rule them when they had the chance.


I scoffed at their ideas and ill-judged, misguided morale. "You pretend to be separate to have your own code," reiterating what I said to Romanov around three years before. "You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers and you think doing that makes you better than everyone else? This is your basis sentimentality? It's no more than a child's prayer."

The Midgardian remained quiet for a few moments. "Like I said you're stuck here, so make yourself at home."

"I wouldn't turn my back if it were me." I smirked, having no disadvantage.

"Why? Going to try and escape are we?" He was a fool to assume so quickly. I watched as he nodded at the agent before moving towards the door, "good luck."

"If it's not already clear," I chuckled lowly, eyeing the agent left in the room like prey as a dagger formed in my hand, hidden by the illusion, "I have no need for luck."

All I had to do was manipulate the agent unfortunate to guard me.

No challenge at all.

((Authors Note: Hey everyone! So Loki's got a plan up his sleeve, he is the master of trickery and mischief after all.

And don't worry you will be finding out who Ayesha is to Loki in the next two chapters.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you think in the comments

Thank you :) ))

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