Start from the beginning

Without warning I put an arm around Nathan earning a jump from his end. "Ah, Nathan. Would it be alright if I spoke to you for a moment?"
He seemed a bit flustered but quickly responded. "Oh, u-uhm... Yeah, s-s-sure!" He nervously stumbled over his words. Honestly, it was kind of adorable.

"Great." I ushered Nathan out of the classroom and we headed towards the male restrooms. When we got there, Nathan's entire body nearly turned red. I wasn't sure why, but it made me chuckle a bit. His bright blue eyes glowed in the flickering restroom lights.

"Alright!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. "I just need to ask you a few questions, nothing more." I reassured, but instead he looked somewhat disappointed.

"Right... Let's get started then. I assume you've heard of the disappearances, yes?" I whipped out my phone, ready to type notes.

"I... I suppose." He's hesitant, that's a bad sign...
Quickly, I typed this in into my memos.

"Alright, onto the next. Have you ever had any connections to anyone of the victims who disappeared?"

"No." It was a quick answer, but he glanced to the left, an unsure look in his eyes, a tell-tale sign of a liar.
I wasn't liking this. I wanted to trust Nathan, but it seems that this interview is going downhill. Fast.

"Okay. A few more questions and we'll be done here," I took a deep breath. "Look, Nathan, I want to trust you, I don't want you to be a suspect... but things aren't looking too fond for you so far. That doesn't mean you can't redeem yourself. Just calm yourself down, and answer this questions honestly." Nathan nodded in response, though I could see he wasn't too happy about the situation at hand.

"Fantastic... Now, have you ever killed anyone?" My question seemed to strike fear into Nathan, tears somewhat welling into his eyes.
I didn't even need a vocal response at this point, his body language was plenty enough.
I shook my head and powered off my phone.
He tried to say something, but failed miserably. All that came out of his mouth was the start of sentences that would never be finished.

"Well then, I honestly expected better. Your job is done here, you can head back to class now. You've missed nearly thirty minutes of it, but maybe the teachers will go easy on you..." I started to leave. I sure as hell wasn't going to go back to class, I'll just hang in the library and wait for lunch to meet up with Leon, but I should probably keep an eye on Nathan as well.
Stopping in my tracks I glanced back at Nathan once more. His eyes were glued to me, making my stomach sink in the most unpleasant way ever.
Though, I kept my composure.

I plastered a smug smile on face. "Keep in mind of this little interaction when the police come knocking at your door. It shouldn't be too long now." With that, I left.
Honestly, I was scared of what I had just done. I was talking face to face to what I believed to be a killer, but somehow I was spot on not to display that fact.


"So, what happened?" Leon asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Let's just say that you were right. I'm glad I questioned him. I say we do some background checks on him."
We sat down at and empty booth. "Did you get anything that's substantial?"

"Actually, there's talk that a group of gang members were found dead. It could just be a coincidence, but..." he pulled out his phone, turning it to me. There was a group picture, and all the faces were too familiar.

"Those... those were the punks that attacked me the other day." I pointed out, stuffing my mouth with a candy bar.

Leon snapped his fingers, as if he just figured something out. "I knew there was a connection! Think about it, everyone who has disappeared has had some sort of tie to you!"

"So? It's just a coincidence." I retorted, dense as ever.

"It might be... but still." Leon smirked. just like that, any serious tone vanished instantly.
"Looks like YOU have a stalker, (Y/N)~!"

I rose an eyebrow, taking another bite of my candy bar. "I doubt it. Let's just get the day over with and get on with that background check, yeah?"
I wanted to get another lead. We've never had this much to work off of, at best, we've been guessing most of the time.

This is getting exciting... the thing we've been trying to solve for so long is all coming together. It feels like I'm laying down the last brush stroke on a masterpiece.

Hey guys! Just wanted to let y'all know I updated the introduction part of the this story. I added Sarah to the collection. I might add more in the future.

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