Love Finally Revealed

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Jack and Yusei were walking onto school campus, Jaden and Crow walked to school carefully behind trying not to get noticed by the other students and when they were close enough they ran right past Jack and Yusei. Jack and Yusei blinks looking at them "that's odd" they said together, When Jaden and Crow made it on campus they started talking. "Whew! No one saw us" Crow told Jaden who face palmed, "Yea expect Yusei and Jack" Jaden informed as they walked to the main school building. Yusei sighs "wonder what's wrong with them" "well people do bully and tease them that their gay" Jack shrugs, Crow turned around and waved at them to say hi to both of them.

Yusei and Jack smiles waving back, some students started whispering something. Crow was mildly oblivious and again Jaden face palmed before deciding whatever the other students are gonna start rumors anyways so he waved at Yusei and Jack to be nice, Yusei and Jack waves at Jaden and Crow smiling more. "Well I met my wave quota, I'll be in the library if you need me Crow" Jaden told Crow before walking away and Crow just sighed, Yusei's eyes sadden watching Jaden leave, but was worried about him at the same time. "Yus I know that look, you like him don't you" Jack teased and sees Yusei's face go dark red, "Eh Jaden'll be fine he's thin and fast besides I don't think he would want worrying about him if he has too he'll just transform into his normal wolf form and run like the wind" Crow stated calmly to both Yusei and Jack.

Yusei blushes and smiles "I know just worry you two get teased", "I don't why people tease them, if you like guys that's ok, there's nothing wrong with being gay" Jack says hiding the fact that he was gay to. "Eh we gotten used to it same old song and dance with no different steps" Crow stated to both Jack and Yusei with a face like yea whatever, Jack started to feel dizzy from lack of blood in his system and leans against the wall and grabs his throat. "Jack you ok" Yusei looks at him then sees Jack faint and collapse, "Um I'm pretty sure he doesn't have enough blood?" Crow asked cautiously. "Jack when's the last time you had blood" Yusei asked worried holding Jack close, "l-last y-year" Jack says weakly then sees the shocked look on their faces. 

"Okay Jack I don't care if we have to shove my arm up your mouth your getting blood" Crow stated before realizing what he said sounded wrong "You know what I mean!" "you sure you want do that" Yusei asked worried, "but I'm afraid I might take to much and hurt you, even if the sent of your sweet blood make me feel crazy" Jack mumbles the last part. "Nothing's worse than Jaden on a full blood moon. Besides I'll be fine don't worry you two" Crow said calmly, Jack starts shaking, scared of taking too much of Crow's blood and starts backing away. "Jack please, I cant lose you" Yusei says worried walking towards him, Crow grabs Jack by his coat collar and literally forced his arm into Jack's mouth "Take as much as you want and if you hurt me too much or take too much I'll kick you" Crow told Jack rubbing his hair with his free arm.

Jack whimpers but the scent and taste of Crow's sweet blood made him lose his mind and pulls Crow's arm away from his fangs and pins him to the wall holding both his wrist with one hand and moves his head to the side and sank his fangs into Crow's neck, "Jack never bit anyone on the neck before" Yusei said. "Umgh..." Crow a soft sound, Jack sucks on his neck taking blood. Yusei just watches them, Jaden just walked over his hair was dripping wet "So what'd I miss while I was in the library?" Jaden asked Yusei. "well Crow volunteered to give Jack blood and what happened to you are you ok" Yusei saw his wet hair, "Oh that's what happened" Jaden said "Also yea some kids tried to bully me so I bolted and managed to get the school and they shoved me into the jokes on them I love swimming but I had to change my clothes" Jaden answered before shaking his head side to side like a dog after a bath but after he finished his hair was dry but 2 dark brown wolf ears appeared. 

Yusei giggles and then touched Jaden's wolf ears and his stardust dragon wings appear, Jaden looked up then rolled his eyes but lightly blushed "Um are they done yet?" Jaden asked pointing at Jack and Crow. "Jack are you done yet or are you making out over there" Yusei looks at them giggling, Jack blushes and pulls away then licks the wound "sorry". "Whew" Crow said rubbing his neck before he sneezed, " In 3, 2, 1." Jaden counted down and *BOOM* there in the pile of clothes was a bright orange bunny "Geez Crow if you were feeling exhausted you could have just kicked him yah know" Jaden picked the rabbit up. "I'm so sorry, did I hurt him" Jack says worried, "aww he's a cute bunny" Yusei says.

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