The beginning

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Marinette's POV                                                                                           
It was the most beautiful night in Paris I have ever seen , the night air was filled with Roses and it was a perfect night for a romantic evening with a loved one and that's exactly what I planned to do with Adrien. Ten minutes later I was at his house as Natalie allowed me in , I maded my way to his bedroom only to hear what sounded like moaning.   "Ahh~ Adrien faster" you don't need to study rocket science to know what's was going on but me being me I went in the room to find Adrien on top of Kagami (A/N Ronelle,Medina and Zee are going to kill me for writing this stuff but they won't be mad for long right guy!?! Anyway back to the drama) " Adrien? I though you..." I felt my voice crack in that very moment but it was nothing compared to the pang in my cheat.                                    
"Sorry Marinette but that's what happens when you make me wait for it "Is that what he felt? God I wish I never met Adrien "So this is what you wanted out of our relationship? , for me to give you something I was saving for marriage? Guess what Agreste I'm not one of those girls who only wanted you for your fame and now I wish you a happy life with out  me" Tears started to fall before I could hold them back" Oh Marinette you think I want you as a girlfriend?"He said with a grin and looking in my eyes"Those "I love you's" were never mutual Cause I.Never.Loved.You"(A/N cliff hanger also the video is my one from my YouTube channel  ;) )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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