Chapter 10

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A blonde girl sat on the wall next to you, her name was Annie.

Annie: You are 17?

You nod.

Annie: How was dealing with Mikasa?

You: It was the other way around. She dealt with my bullshit.

Annie: When Mikasa and I were about to fight In training, people betted on who would win... I felt like I had to fight her. Has she ever felt like that?

You: Yes. When I was about 12, My father Grisha was a doctor. Her mother was pregnant. We went to her house and found her parents dead, by human traffickers. She was kidnapped because she is Asian, she was in the small pool that was left here in Paradise, and as she was about to give up we charged the attackers. I went through a boarded window, and Eren went through the door.

Annie: How did you get through the boards?

You: A breaching charge. That was when my explosives ran off a wire. Now they are remotely detonated.

Annie was surprised.

Annie: How?!

You: I'm part of the Core of Engineers in the Survey core. There are about 25 of us and through dedicated concentration, we found out to remotely detonate it. And I cant tell you any more projects of ours.

Annie( That charge might be able to destroy the hardening...)

Reiner: Annie.

She got up and walked away with him.

Soldier: Captain Y/n! you are needed at Eren Jaegers Trial!

You: Very well.

2 minutes later.

You opened the door.

You: Sir.

Zackly: Sit down Y/n.

You obeyed.

Zackly: Is it true Eren tried to hurt you?

You: Yes. It is what I wanted.

Everyone: he is crazy... Why would he need that...

You: Sir, I needed him to keep his focus on me as I lead him toward the boulder.

Mikasa: What the fuck Riko...

Riko: What are you expecting me to lie?

Zackly: Y/n, as your brother, are you holding Bias?

You: No sir.

Eren's eyes widened, same with Mikasa's.

Zackly: Thank You. Please, speak with me in private.

You went into the conversation room.

He did too.

Zackly: I'm not sure what to pick.

You: He needs to join the Survey core, sir.  In our father's basement lies the secrets that we need to know about the titans. 

Zackly: Very well.

He exited and sat down again.

Eren: Instead Of You Military Police Not Seeing A Titan And Accusing Me Of Killing People! I Want To Help Humanity! I WILL TAKE BACK WALL MARIA! PUT YOUR TRUST IN ME!

You walked over and kicked him, over and over again.

You: Levi.

Levi: I will watch Eren in my squad. If he dares transform without clearance. I will kill him.

Mikasa glared at you and was about to run out and stop you but Armin stopped her.

Zackly: Eren will join the Survey core.

You look at him.

Eren: T-Thank you Y/n...

You nod.

Mikasa heard that and backed off realizing you had to do it to keep him from dying by the military police.

You met Mikasa.


You: Mikasa, did you want your boyfriend to die?
Mikasa: I don't even like him like that... I like someone else.

You: Lemme guess, that Jean dude.

Mikasa: No, he has it for me...

You: If you sleep with him, I will kill you both.

You walk off.

After graduation-

Eren was picking up horse shit with you watching him.

Dita: These are the horses! And Stables!

He went on to talk about the horses.

Eren: Mikasa! Armin!

You walk right by them.

Mikasa: Y/n!

Eren: He is Jinxed by Levi. Someone else has to say his name Once.

Armin: Y/n!

You: HAHAHA Levi!

Levi: I hate you brats.

You: Dita! Take them down to the manufacturing room later! We will get them their new gear.

He nodded.

1 hour later.

Hanji: During our next expedition, we may encounter the Armored titan. So our Core Of Engineers Made an Explosive Called Th Mark 1 RDEP, Or Short For Remote Detonated Explosive Pad. Y/n, Explain.

You: The RDEP, is an explosive breach that explodes with great force. It is detonated with a radio detonator, you hold the red button down and pull the trigger. We have made callouts for you to deploy on the battlefield when deploying an RDEP, "Like Breach Set",  "Or Charge Live," and when you detonate it, you say something like "Going Live," or "Boom."

Hanji Distributed it.

You sipped up to the fake titan and place the charge.

You: Breach Charge Up!

You jump off.

You: Detonating!


The cadets stand in Awe.

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