s e v e n t e e n

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Jeff opened the door and he looked confused he looked at saw Jack and Clock work

"Oh my god..."he yelled for Toby and Clockwork immediately looked at the door Toby came out and stopped..

"wait no this this isn't.. "She got up and started crying

She covered her mouth with both her hands

Ben and Sally came out as well and saw Clock work.. Sally immediately smiled and hugged Ben he hugged her back and they both started crying

Clock work ran to Toby and he walked towards her she jumped and hugged him and she caught him they fell to there knees crying

He kissed her and hugged her very tightly he looked at her with his eyes filled with tears

"I missed you so much..."he hugged her again and whimpered in her shoulder

"I missed you too I never stopped thing about you not even for a second"

"Please don't ever leave me again..."she smiled and kissed him. There foreheads touched and he grabbed her hand

"I promise..."Everyone was crying Slender man came out and looked in shock and in anger

"Clock work..."she smiled at him and looked at me with anger he pick Jack up and eyed me

"Y/n come with me now"I rolled my eyes and walked with him everyone walked inside too

"What did I tell you Y/n"I didn't reply to him and just kept quiet

"You could've been killed"

"But I didn't.....get killed.."

"Well you could have been.."I didn't focus on Slenderman I just looked at Jack and was petting his hair.

"I-i just wanted to see him..."He grabbed my arm with his hand

"What the fuck is your problem do you understand how hard it was without him?!How hard it was to know that he was getting hurt and I wasn't there!?"He looked at the floor with guilt .I shoved his hand of me and walked out

Everyone was in the living room and Masky got up and his face looked confused

"Y/n is everything alright??"I moved past him without answering when I reached the room I slammed the door and went to the balcony and sat on the rocking chair that was there and curled my self up and let the wind pet my hair as I just sat there looking out

*Down stairs*

Slenderman came out and everyone looked at him

"Okay what the hell happened?"Masky looked at Slenderman with a spark of anger

"Shes just upset let her be"

"Girl monthhhhh-"Sally elbowed Ben in the stomach and he immediately shut up

"It's called a period dumbass"Ben laughed and put his arm around her and kissed her cheek

"Well that's new"Jeff pointed at the both of them and Sally blushed Masky rolled his eyes and looked at Slenderman again

"Did you say something to upset her??"

"Just leave it Masky"Masky rolled his eyes and sat down

"Where's the girl?"

"She's in the bathroom she wont come out"Slenderman turned and tried to open the door

"Hey open the door"

"NO! Go away!"

"Open the door now or I'm breaking it ope-"Y/n walked out and went to Jacks room and closed the door

*Y/n's point of view*

I played a bit with Jacks hair and my eyes widened as he slowly started to open his eyes

"Jack..."He looked at me and began to cry

"H-hi..."I didn't say anymore and I threw my arms around his neck and cried

"Your okay"I heard the door open and stopped hugging him and turned to see Toby

"Jack are you okay"He looked at him and gave a small smile

"Yes I'm okay"A and grew on Tobys face

"Clockworks back Y/n found her when she was looking for you!"He turned to look at me now and grabbed my hand and smiled

"Can you walk?"He shrugged and went to then side of the bed and grabbed my hand as he slowly lifted himself

"Oh I'm good"I let his hand go and he walked slowly

I opened the door and everyone looked at him the room was silent and then only thing that was heard was the girl screaming for Slenderman to let her go

"What's happening?"

"Well every since that stuff with Masky she locked herself in there said something like"she's a monster"

I looked at Masky and he nodded

I mouthed Thank you and walked to the door

"Move"Slenderman moved and I went in front of the door

"Open the door or i'll force it open"

"Go away you monster!!!"I chuckled and my eyes grew to the mysterious color and I took a few steps back swung my arm making the door fly open I went to the girl and picked her up she kicked me and it made my eyes flash in anger I  turned around and slammed her against the wall everyone watched and Sally snuggled up to Ben more

Why is she scared?

Am I being a monster?

Is everyone scared??

Am i even prove a point?

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