"You're the fool!" Sakura whisper-shouted. "What are you gonna do by getting him worked up?!" Tsukiko pulled at her twin tails. Should they fight foreign Ninjas?

"You're ticking me off?" the guy told Naruto. "I don't like little runts anyway. On top of that, you're quite a smarty-pants for someone younger than me. Makes me want to break him,"

"It's not on me," the girl said, sighing.

"Well, after this little squirt, it's the little runt that won't shut up!" the guy announced. Tsukiko glared at him and raised her fingers slightly.

"Naruto, no –!" Tsukik shouted as he went rushing toward the guy when he raised his fist at Konohamaru. Naruto did not listen.

Immediately, Tsukiko moved her fingers and Konohamaru jerked out of the guy's hold, and toward where she and the others stood. The guy was surprised at her actions but shocked when a rock struck his hand, causing blood to spurt out as well. Tsukiko caught Konohamaru and set him onto the ground.

"What do you think you're doing in someone else's village, you..." Sasuke said, sitting on a nearby branch and throwing a rock up and down. He had been the one who intervened.

"Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura squealed happily. Naruto gave him an exasperated look and the guy from Sunagakure looked rather annoyed. His companion was blushing slightly as she looked at Sasuke.

"Get lost," Sasuke told the two Sunagakure Ninjas. Sakura, Moegi and Udon immediately fangirled over his actions as he disintegrated the rock in his hand into fine particles.

Naruto looked even more annoyed with Sasuke's entrance but Tsukiko was somewhat relieved. At least they didn't have to get into a fight involving Ninjutsu. Konohamaru rushed to Naruto, teary eyed.

"Naruto Nii-Chan, you're lame!" Konohamaru told him as he started to cry. Tsukiko shook her head at them.

"S-Stupid!" Naruto said quickly. "I would've quickly taken down that thug, too!" That didn't appease Konohamaru at all.

"Hey, come down here, you little punk!" the guy shouted at Sasuke. "You're the kind of smartass little punk that I despise the most," He grabbed the bandaged puppet on his back and set it down.

"Wait!" His companion spoke up. "You aren't thinking of using Crow, are you?!" Tsukiko eyed the puppet. So, his puppet's name is Crow?

Tsukiko felt a strange chill go through her body and she turned around to look at the source, her eyes meeting directly with a pair of pupil-less, green eyes. She did not like how it made her feel. It was too dark and sinister – it was terrifying. But only she had noticed him. And he knew she had seen him.

"Kankuro, stop that," the boy said. Tsukiko hesitantly looked at him in his entirety and was almost relieved to see that the person was a human and not a beast past those green eyes. "You're an embarrassment to our village,"

The boy was hanging upside down on another branch on the same tree as Sasuke. In addition to his eyes, he had short, spiky auburn (almost red) hair. He had no eyebrows and tanuki-like black rings around his life. He was dressed in a black body suit with an open neck and a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips. He also had a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip, which was holding a large gourd on his back in place.

But what caught Tsukiko's attention was the character on the left side of his forehead, which was the Kanji for 'Love'. It stood out due to the fact that the hair was parted over it and that it was in clear red colour. Her cheeks darkened slightly, despite the feeling of foreboding.

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