I continued to eat my home brought food, it tasted better than school food.

After I had finished, I threw my trash away before walking to my 5th period.


I was sitting in class, suddenly feeling a pair of eyes staring at the back of my head.

I got scared, but turned my head anyways to figure out who was staring at me.

I turned around and saw Sam, staring intensely at me.

"Cole! Don't tell me you're cheating, If I catch you looking at someone's work again, you'll get an automatic F, got it?"  My teacher hissed, causing me to turn back around quickly. I glanced quickly back at him again to see if he felt bad, but all I saw was a smirk, and then he continued to work on whatever he was doing.


I never fully looked at Sam. Mostly because I was afraid he would possess my soul if I looked at him for too long. He wasn't crazy, he just gave me really weird vibes.

But, now we were in the last period of the day and i decided since I sat behind  him to the far right, I could actually take in what he looked like.

It was a free period, so I didn't have to worry about getting in trouble. He didn't do anything. He seemed as if he stared off into space, but then every five seconds he'd quickly scribble something down on a blank piece of paper.

He was pale, he had dull blue eyes, and bags under his eyes, making it look like he hasn't slept in days.

He had a small frame as well, probably shorter than me, and a skinny figure.

His clothes looked nice, like he had a wealthy family. He wore a t-shirt and some jeans, along with some converse.

He turned around, immediately finding where I was, like he knew I was staring at him. He gave me that same smirk that made chills go up and down my spine, but not in a good way.

He turned back around, but he got up, and started walking over to me. I now wished that it wasn't free period so we didn't have the advantage to walk around, because now Sam was scaring me, and it was creepy cause he didn't talk much at all.

He sat down in the empty seat beside me, and it seemed like he was drawing something.

I looked over his shoulder, and saw it was a boy. I widened my eyes once I realized that it was me. The same features and everything. My breath hitched. Maybe he was doing it to me nice, but considering he didn't look at me the whole time before now at all, it was pretty scary how he had my face memorized.

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