Work Hard, Train Hard.

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"And that is why you are my favorite daughter," I could practically hear her smile through the glass of my phone.

"I'm your only daughter, loser." I playfully tease.

"Your father wants to speak with you. Here you go," the sound of her phone being passed to him was audible, as well as him fumbling with it as well.

"Butterfingers." I snort.

"Shut up," he chuckles, "Hey, Raine baby."

"Hi, Dad," I breathe, my smile becoming wider just by hearing his familiar deep voice. "How have you been?"

"Great. How's your grades?" He cut straight to the point. I roll my eyes.

"They're fine."

"And you're on time to all your classes?" When there was a lengthy pause between his question and my lack of a response, he grumbled, "Raine Iris Carter, don't make me storm into that damn school."

"You don't have to!" I rushed, "I promise I'll never be late to class again."

He was quiet for a moment, probably determining whether or not my words were genuine. When he was satisfied with his determination, he changed subject. "Any more necks of boyfriends I have to step on with my Pradas?"

"No, Dad," I laughed. "You don't have to set every man that comes into my life straight."

"Ain't no child of mine going to bring home a rugrat and expect me to approve," he grunts. "Speaking of which, your brother is bringing another girl of his home. Your mother and I have about an hour and a half before he visits."

"Oh God," I groaned, "Another one? You'd think he'd have found the one with all these women he brings home." Tsking, I shake my head at my brother as if he were right in front of me, wishing he was in reach so that I could slap him.

"Exactly!" My dad raised his voice, clearly agitated, "When you thought you taught your son well...she has purple hair. Purple, good Lord!" He wailed. "I'm tired of him bringing home no good tramps."


"Well, you've seen them! And she eats more than I do! Always asking Micah if she can have some of his plate when she's finished hers—what the fuck?" I giggled after he scoffed.

I couldn't deny that my brother very much sucked at obtaining a female that was classy and cute.

"Give her a chance, she might blow away your standards." I shrugged, moving my arm from underneath Carson when he cuddled me even closer, grumbling incoherent words in his sleep. I rested my hand on his head, absentmindedly running my fingers through his brown locks, "She just might be what he needs."

"Yeah..." he trailed off, but cleared his throat when my mother said something to him. I couldn't hear what she said, but whatever it was, it made him want to hang up with me immediately, "Alright, Sweet Pea, I've got an hour and a half to kill with your mother. She's already on her knees."

"Dad, no." I closed my eyes as if that would stop me from hearing his voice, "You could've kept that."

"What?" His voice told me that he had no clue he was sharing a bit too much, "You're old enough to know."

"Whatever. I love you. Talk to you later."

"Love you, too, Raine baby, always."

"And forever," I ended.

Storm, Meet Raine Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora