Forbidden Urges.

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Forbidden Urges.

I watch you from the corner of the room.

In silence, my heart pounding with every breath.


Every small smile never escapes my gaze.

The brilliant sparkle of your eyes never go unnoticed.


Do you know how painful it is?

To want what you absolutely may not have.

To love even though you hate every second of it.

To feel so obsessed, it frightens the hell out of you.

Loving someone you can’t touch.

So hard but it comes with so much ease.

The world wouldn’t understand or accept this kind of love.

It cannot be spoken.

It cannot be heard.

It will be shunned.

Love like this is forbidden. Is unwanted. Is untouchable. Is unreasonable.


You think I want to love you?

This time there’s no one to blame for the pull from my heart that won’t let you go.


The way you laugh with everyone else but me.

The way you speak to everyone else but me.


The way I’m different but I still don’t stand out enough for you.

What do I have to do?

To what extreme?

I hate when I think about you.

I wish I never knew you but I know I would live a life of regret if I didn't.


When you cry, I want to hold you in my arms and promise you immunity from all pain.

But my feelings are left inside to torture while all you see is a smile from me.

The demons have been fed to continue torturing me in your absence.


If you looked deep into my eyes, you might be able to decipher the want I feel for you.

Read my soul through my eyes like I do in your everyday eyes.


Loving someone you can’t touch

So difficult but it comes as easily as breathing

The world turns away from this kind of love

It cannot be revealed.

It cannot be shown.

It will be ripped apart. Torn into shreds.

Love like this is forbidden. Is unnecessary. Is unreversible. Is undeniable.


I'll never let you see me down to my last bone.

Even when I struggle from pain with a single moan.

I can only watch from afar.

Everything I'll ever crave.

I'll ever kill for.

I'll never have.



Hey! hope you like it! :)

Pleaseee Comment and VOTE! :) I love you all! XD. This is to the person I fell in love with who right now to this very day I'm still in love with...who I've loved for 3 years but he doesn't know it! :'( I'm afraid to tell him...of how he'll react. pleasee Comment! 

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