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Name: Likiyo Hellsing

Sibling/s: None

Species: Human
Half blood vampire some point in rp

Backstory: Likiyo is the son of a famous vampire hunter that goes by the name of Van Hellsing. Likiyo was heavily trained everyday to do vampire hunting, his father only payed attention to Likiyo when they did huntings. His days were filled with endless pain, so he learned to live any pain he got. He cut himself with his own blades and just loved pain anyway it was given. The only thing he couldn't handle was getting multiple vampire bites, thats why the collar of his shirt is high. He had got atleast 6 from the same vampire but can't remember who the vampire was. He had days where he craved blood after he was bitten and doesn't know what is going on with his body.

Personality: Psychotic
                       A little cold
                        Emotionless at times

Crush: Azusa Mukami

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