chapter 5 - broken and dull

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I went to the Mafia like I usually did, 'cause it's my job. It was a lot more quiet today though. I could hear the wind more clearly, it was peaceful. As I got to my office, I saw a note on my desk. The note read,

"I'll be out, take care of my office.

First wine, now office. Might as well burn down his apartment. I let out a sigh. Couldn't he have asked Kouyou? I sat down and began working. A good 6 hours passed. I'm tired. I leaned back in my chair to rest for a while. I didn't really have anything exciting to do today. Chuuya was away and I'm guessing Kouyou is doing something as well. Lunch alone again I guess. I remembered that Akutagawa had a little side quest, or at least that's what I think it is. He's kidnapping someone with a girl who's name is.. Kyoka? Is it really kidnapping if the person isn't a kid though? I slapped myself. Stupid question aside, I decided to go visit the girl after I get some lunch.

~Time skip 'cause I'm unoriginal and can't think of other places to eat lunch besides cafes

As I went back to the Mafia after lunch, I tried to recall details about Kyoka. I know that she's a young girl but I think that's about it. Something must have happened to her though if she's working for the Mafia, unless she's just a psychopath like Kyusaku. Maybe that's why she's in the prison section of the Mafia.

As I head closer to the prison, I can feel Akutagawa's presence, but mostly his. I could barely feel Kyoka's presence, why? I waited until Akutagawa left to go see her. Unfortunately, Akutagawa noticed me. "Why are you here? Don't you have work to do?" Something in me wanted to just ignore him, but being the great executive I am. I gave him some advice. "I'm on something called a break, you should try it sometime". As I walked closer to him, I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "you work too much, take care" and left for prison.

I always wondered if the sound of my heels were intimidating, especially in prison. Kyoka's cell was actually pretty down. Not as far as Kyusaku's but still. As I made it to her cell, I realized something instantly. Her presence was so dull. She was sitting, facing the wall. Does she move? Is she even alive? I think she did notice me but didn't say anything. "Kyoka", nothing. She didn't say anything. Was she always like this? I let out a sigh, a sign of defeat. She wasn't going to say anything. Before I left though, I left a few candies in her cell. She may be in this cell, but she's still a child. It's sad, knowing that her childhood was ruined. "Take care, Kyoka".

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