Chapter 4,

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Mike left the arcade and hopped on to his bike. He was excited to see his Mom and little sister, it had been three weeks since he last talked to them and although he likes to think he doesn't care that much about them it was clear to himself that he had missed them.

He pulled his bike up to his house, for some reason there was another car stationed outside. It was a navy blue muscle car. This perplexed Mike as he knew he recognized the car but he had obviously not payed enough attention to it before in order to remember it. 'It was probably one of Nancy's friends' he had thought to himself, glossing over it.

When ready, Mike wiped his shoes off the mat and proceeded to look for Holly (his sister). He conducted a thorough search around the ground floor of his house which is where she would usually be but it took Mike twenty minutes of searching until he had remembered that she would have been staying at his aunt's house for the remainder of summer.

That is when Mike heard a noise from upstairs, he diverted his attention to the stairs where he saw what he thought was the worse possible person to be seen lingering around his house. Billy. Mike stared at him, he didnt know if he should be more shocked, frantic or unhinged. They locked eyes with each other and Billy fired a slimy smirk in Mike's direction. He was disgusted. 

Mike dashed upstairs and broke into Nancy's room in a frenzy of emotions, his eyes turning to slits and beaming at Nancy. 

"Billy!?" He exclaimed

"Seriously Nancy I  thought you were happy with Johnathan?" Mike was disappointed in his sister above all else. He was worried for her safety after he saw how he had dealt with Max when dropping her off at the arcade or at school.

Nancy looked at the ground and slowly raised her head to level with Mike. For whatever reason, she looked worried too, she seemed more distressed than Mike and an uneasy atmosphere filled the room.

"Mike, if you want to understand what is going on. I need you to keep your cool ok? Please just stay calm" she pleaded

Now mike was more worried than before, his heart rate elevated. He felt there was something underlying that was bigger than Billy dating Nancy and he was nervous at the thought of the few things that exceed Billy seeing Nancy in craziness .

Mike sat down on the bed next to Nancy unprepared for what he was about to hear next. His legs were jittery, rapidly moving up and down. It was a method of coping with anxiety.

"Billy isn't dating me" This surprised Mike. After all he had just assumed the worse, he didn't know of anything happening and just assumed the worst possible thing. It did propose the question however if he wasn't dating Nancy then what was he doing with Nancy?

"Billy is dating Mom"

That was it, the sucker-punch to his stomach. Like the drop of a roller coaster, Mike wanted to throw up. He couldn't even say anything, he couldn't find words to express himself to Nancy. Their Mom, Karen Wheeler. Mike was on the verge of tears. He got up off the bed. He didn't know what to do, how to respond. He was at a loss for words or actions so he acted on his first instinct and charged out the house as quick as possible.

He opened the door and hopped on his bike, riding away from his house leaving the door ajar. Mike clamped down on the pedals of his bike with his feet in frustration. He was on his way to Eleven's cabin. Regardless of whether they were back or not he just wanted somewhere to think away from his family.  


hope u like dis

more 2 come soon :)

-ewan <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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