Chapter Nine

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Estarossa watched, an inimical stare to his brethren, he didn't make his discomfort for Zeldris taking his pet obvious. He didn't want any bad blood, but.. His apathetic eyes now held a different emotion, one that he'd have to keep caged.
He wouldn't really hurt his brother.


(Your Name) struggled a bit as Zeldris peppered you with questions and threats, despite obvious signs that the interrogation wouldn't go anywhere. Dreyfus probably could see this with his eyes closed too.. He grumbled a little watching as Zeldris tried to pry information from the, now, tight-lipped human.

"You can be expandable, if you don't talk." Zeldris warned in an austere tone, as he began to grow irritated with the young lady as night swept the day away, replacing it with the pale illumination of the moon. "I'm growing tired of these games.." He murmured as he began to raise a hand.

However, he wouldn't yet be able to quite get his grasp situated on her, as a sudden presence caught the attention of the commandments. Zeldris pulled away his attention from the mortal as he glimpsed in the direction of a blond.
(Your Name)'s attention also had turned to where the others looked over to.


"Yo!" He called, giving a two-fingered salute with that little smile of his, Zeldris stepping away as he advanced to get a better look.
"Meliodas!" Dreyfus joined him.

However the demon clad in red armor stepped in before they could take matters into their own hands, a menacing green glow flowed through the, two curved slits in the armor which resembled, eyes of Galand.
He cockily called out, as he faced , "No one lay a hand on him. He's my prey that I let get away."

He leaned down to the shorter demon's level with an arrogant posture.

"I will be the one to finish him-" He was thrown off guard as Meliodas threw a punch, sending Galand flailing back, the blond leapt up to come down with his arm extended to grab hold of the helmet and bring it down with him.

The ground erupted as it couldn't stand the force of the attack.

"Have you changed since we last met?" He managed to force himself up with a horribly dented face, as Meliodas evaded from Galand's strike path as he called out his attack.

Debris had began to pelt those nearby who watched, thankfully Derieri was protected by Monspeet.

Unlike (Your Name)... She got a minor scratch when using her arms to shield herself, but nothing too serious.

"Nah, just returned a bit to my old self." He gave a cheeky smile as he stood on the blade of Galand's weapon. Meliodas taking this opportunity to again dodge an attack and strike again.

(Your Name) watched as the fight continued, Melascula and Glox' gave an agreeable notice to the blond becoming a threat.
However, someone who was tight-lipped beforehand mumbled out subconsciously. "Meliodas wins then is teleported back to Merlin I think.."

An idea dawned on her as the mentioned demon turned to look at the audience.

"I just came to give you a little greeting and talk a little bit!" He chitped happily, his eyes raking through the crew to find someone new.
"Did you guys get that bored you needed to kidnap a human?" He joked.

"There's nothing to talk about, Meliodas. She is not of your concern." Zeldris dark eyed held a deep resentment, "The only thing that exists are our rage towards you and desire for revenge against the four clans."

Meliodas kept that cheerful look, "Don't be like that, Zeldris. We are brothers." He put a hand on his hip, shrugging a smidge, "If you all are trying to continue from where we left off 3000 yesrs ago, the Seven Deadly Sins and I will crush you with everything we've got!"

Zeldris grimaced, "I told you already... There's nothing to talk about."

Meliodas responded in that light tone of his, "This isn't a talk. This is a warning." He turned his attention to the human as he took a step forward. However he was stopped by Merlin's warning.

Zeldris and Dreyfus went in for a sweeping blow, only for the blond to vanish.

Galand fell over, the creaking of his armor as he was probably in bad shape, "So... This is the power of the accursed demon." He gave a small laugh, "It is delightful."

He clenched his fist, as he belted a yell out.

(Your Name) cursed quietly as she missed her chance, but with the glance she got from Meliodas, she knew there was a possibility to be saved from these guys before they grew hungry.
She stood, beginning to try and make her way over to Galand. Seeing as he's wounded, (Your Name) might as well attempt to help him up.

And maybe use this as an opportunity to gain a mutual respect-

"What do you think you're doing?" Melascula asked as she floated down beside the mortal. "Going to help Galand on his feet..?" She made it sound more like a question than anything.

The (hair color)-haired girl didn't want to offend her intentionally nor Galand as that wouldn't benefit her in the slightest.

"You don't look like you could even pick up 50 pounds." Melascula quipped, as she rolled her shoulders back and crossed her arms. "But be my guest. He's heavy though."
Estarossa watched, as he almost grew... Jealous? Why would he of all people be jealous? Pft-

He was not jealous.

But, he couldn't help but stare as (Your Name) began to begrudgingly try and help Galand get to his feet. First, Zeldris took her, now Galand?
How many were out for his pet?

"I don't need your pity you wench!" He hissed out, snapping at her for helping, "I'm not pitying you, I'm trying to carry you to a safer spot."
The demon would've rolled his eyes as he responded, "You're doing a terrible job."

"Galand, if you need help from a human, you're truly losing your touch." Monspeet chimed in, as (Your Name) managed to get him over to a better spot to check on his severe injuries he sustained.

"She insisted!" Yes, she did. Now be grateful you wimp.

Zeldris peered back to the girl and Galand as he watched for a moment, he wasn't engrossed by the sight, but just... Something caught his eye. He couldn't put his finger on it.
"After you look over Galand, come back with me. I've still got to talk with you." He gave a small reminder that the interrogation wasn't done.

"Better watch out, Zeldris sounds mad." Melascula spoke to the two as finally.

After trying to become acquainted with these insufferably cool people.
Friendship was beginning to blossom.

And probably more.

Now! A small skit.


Esta was glaring straight at the trio currently.

"(Your Name), I want to ask you something."

"What, Galand?"

"Doesn't it feel like someone's glaring?"

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