"No I did the same thing V I shouldn't have blamed this all on you"

"But you're right you are always right kris" I let out a sigh.

"Kris" I speak up again

"Yeah"she looks over at me.

"I just really don't like them"


"Your new friends they made fun of me big time"

"I know but one of them in the group named Josh added me on Snapchat"she let out a sigh "and he said that they were goin here and to meet them, and to bring you to say sorry..I guess"

I just look at Kris and shake my head

"Just because I'm going with you to meet them doesn't mean I like them okay?"I say with a serious look.

"I know V just give em a chance okay?"

"Yeah okay" and with that I roll my eyes and get out of the car.

I start walking to my favorite coffee place and as soon as I step in the place and hear music playing,I love this little place.

"Hey he said there almost here and to get a place to sit" K says and sets down at a booth and I sat opposite of her.

"Okay" is all I mange to say.

Me and kris are talking for awhile then I look over her shoulder and see five people walk in two of them are girls and the rest are boys one girl has strawberry blond hair and is about three feet taller than me, I'm five one so she's not tall but not short. Then the other girl..oh great what was her name? Oh right, Jessica. Let's just say she looks like a fake Barbie and a little to orange, she walks up with her nasty fake blond hair moving in the way she walks. I see a guy that looks a little to much like Bruno Mars, he's hair is short and curly and his skin is a light brown color, I'm gonna say he's probably shorter than me but I might be overreacting. I see another guy that looks sort of tall and really strong..a little to strong. He has blonde hair and blue eyes,he's a pretty boy and I hate pretty boys.

Then there he is drake but he looks...different he looks older maybe?

Oh. My. God. He has tattoos a lot of them on his arms and one on his neck. This boy is something I wouldn't want to mess with that's for sure.

They all come over the one that is really short sets by my best friend, and then the strawberry blond stets to my right and Jessica goes to set by me then the blonde does before she can, and I set there awkwardly just looking at them pile in one booth, I see drake shake his head.

"Mason move. Now." Is all he says.

"No dude sit by your girlfriend"drake just mumbles.

"No room. Move" this time he laughes and moves.

"Baby you could have sit by me" Jessica says.

"No room Jessica"

"But bab-"she gets interrupted by drake.

"Not the time" he looks at her and gives her a death stare.

"Anyway" the one named mason says coming back with a chair from a different table and putting it at ours "what is your names?" He says looking between me and kris.

Kris looks at me waiting for me to answer and I just shake my head.

"Uhm well my name is Kristina, and her name is Vanessa" K says with a smile.

She's proud of her self

"Oh okay well my name is mason" he points to himself "this"he points to drake "is drake" then he points to Jessica "this is Jessica or Jess witch ever works" he says with a smile.

Happily ever After Where stories live. Discover now