"To you, yes, to others they can't see me" he said. "Well go away, you are a distraction !" I told him. "So you don't want to know why I am following you ?" he asked. I thought about it, "Okay, why ?" I asked.

"You dreamed of me really, but that's not the reason really" he said leaning against the sinks. "I don't have all day you know" I told him. "Fine, the real reason is, some friends of mine need some help" he told me.

I stood in front of him crossing my arm over each other. "What am I suppose to do about it ?" I asked confused. "Well you are Zoey Hansen aren't you ?" he asked. "Yeah of course I am" I said. I heard the bell.

"Look, if you stop popping up everywhere... I might help you" I told him. A smile spread across his face. But he did have a cute smile. "Thanks, I really appreciate it, even my friends will too" he said. I started to head towards the door but turned back "wait...you never told me your name" I said.

"Lucas" he told me. I smiled a little then left. Second half of school, I had history. Mr. Cam Brendan was pretty nice, he had short wavy brown hair and dark blue always wore jeans with a white button up shirt with a nice black vest.

Most of the older girls in here were always staring at him, it wasn't a secret really, but they had crushes on him. Two girls were whispering to each other then would stare at Mr. Brendan. I rolled my eys and finished my history.

After a while, the bell rang. Lunch. I walked down the hall and headed to the cafateria. "Hi" Sadie said behind me. "Oh, Sadie" I said. She followed me into tha cafateria. "So what are you getting for lunch ?" she asked. "I don't know" I told her. I saw my brother ahead of me, getting their lunch. They were pushing each other.

UGH ! Why me ?

Why couldn't I be an only child ?

So I picked up a ham sandwich, an apple, water, and pudding for dessert. I payed for it then began looking for a table. None. Every table was full, I started to pass the cheerleaders table, they again were staring, I hated them.

The head cheerleader, Jessica glared at me. We use to be friends in kindergarden, but now she hated my guts, I hated her guts ! She was known as the hottest girl in school, she was skinny and a total blonde, with her beautiful green eyes.

I found a table and sat down and began eating. She still stared at me. Why did she have to stare while I'm eating ? I felt embarressed and annoyed, then Sadie sat down across from me. I felt glad actually now Jessica couldn't see me.

"Hi again" she said. "Hi Sadie" I said pushing a strand of my hair back behind my ear. I bit down into my sandwich as Sadie began talking. "Mmm... that's nice" I said after. Just then I saw Jessica get up and head my way.

"Hey freak !" she exclaimed. "Yeah, how's it going dork ?" her best friend Tessa asked. "Stop picking on her !" Sadie told her off. Oh no ! Sadie was going to be the next victim. Should I stop her before it was too late ?

"What did you say ?" Jessica said staring at Sadie mad. "You heard me, stop bothering her !" Sadie said standing up and started to get into her face. Jessica was getting more mad then ever. Everyone was staring, I felt more embarressed then ever.

"Hey what's going on here ?" the principle asked coming up to Jessica and Sadie. "Oh were just playing !" Jessica said smiling and side hugging Sadie. "No, she is bothering my friend here sir" Sadie told him.

Mr.Fielding looked upset. He was the School's principle. His wife, Ethel Fielding was the art teacher. Tessa a curly red hair with freckles along with hazel green eyes, was tall for her age, she was only 15. She was nearly as skinny as Jessica was.

As for Tessa and Jessica, I called them the terror twins. Sadie stepped back from Jessica, "You two come with me" he pointed at Jessica and Tessa. He walked away, Jesscia turned back to me "you'll pay !" she said then walked away Tessa walked behind her.

Sadie sat back down looking proud. "Why did you do that ? Now Jessica and Tessa are going to pound me !" I told her getting up and walking away. After a while, I had p.e, and Jessica and Tessa were in it. We were playing dodge ball.

I was good, better then any boy really.

No one couldn't hit me, I dodged every ball. Then we switched, I nearly got everyone, even Jessica and Tessa were out. It was only two guys and I. They were good, but finally got one out. My teacher graded us on how good we were.

Right as the bell rang, I hit him. "Good ! Good" the teacher said. "Alright, that's the bell, next week were teaming" the teacher said. I saw Charlie talking with a girl. I wonder who she was I thought.

After grabbing my backpack from my locker, by now most of everyone was out and either headed to the buses or being picked up. Just then my locker door slammed shut on my fingers. "Hey freak !"


Jessica held the door with her hand. "Remeber what I said earlier ?" she asked me. "You'll pay, I remember" I said. Her smile was mean looking. "So...how do you want to be payed back for dissing me ?" Jesscia asked. I didn't want this.

"Why do we lock her in the lockers ?" Tessa asked. "No, someone would find her easily" Jessica said. She opened the door and grabbed my hand. It hurt now. She dragged me down the hallway, "we could hook her bra up on the flag pole !" Tessa said outloud.

"Oh no, were going to something far worse then that" Jessica said. Jessica's grip was way tight, that my fingers were turning purple. We then came to the boys shower room. She shoved me into the door. "Go !" she ordered.

"No, I will not put with your bullying any more Jessica !" I yelled at her. Tessa stared in belief. "Either you go in, or I'll make you" Jessica said in my face. I slowly opened the door and went in, I saw Jessica watching.

After I closed the door, boy was I going to get into way trouble. No girl is allowed to be in the boy's shower room ever. I hoped no one was in here showering. I searched for any signs of the noise of running water. But never heard one once.

Untill...I back into him. "Oh god !" I said. There was a boy in here. He was holding up his towel around his waist. "I'm sorry, I didn't know there was anyone in here" I said to him as I covered my eyes.

"Hey, I'm covered really" he said. "You sure ?" I asked still covering my eyes. "Yes" he said. I turned back around. "So what are you doing in the boys shower room ?" he asked smiling. "Oh, dumb Jessica forced me into coming in here" I told him.

"Jessica ? As in Jessica Morrison ?" he asked. "Yeah, do you know her ?" I asked. "I should know her, she's my sister" he told me. I was shocked. "I'm sorry" I apologized. "Don't be" he told me. "It's just she's so mean to me, she literally hates my guts" I told him.

"It is so fine, I don't even like my sister either, she's a pain in the butt, very whinny, she's even spoiled" he told me. "Really ? I'm sorry for to deal with her" I told him. "So what's your name ?" he asked going to his locker.

"Zoey" I told him. "Cute name, I'm Vince" Vince told me. "Thanks" I said pushing my hair back behind my ear. Was I blushing ? Please don't notice. Finally later on, I got home. I walked, I had no choice really, since I missed the bus.

Which was stupid Jessica's fault. Anyway, once I entered the house, mom and dad were yelling at each other. I watched them from the door way. "Mom...dad I'm home" I said. I knew they didn't hear me.

So I went up stairs to my room. "Hey why are you late getting home ?" Megan asked as I past her room I stopped at her door. "I...forgot something" I told her. I lied. I hated lying really. "I see their fighting" I said walking into her room.

"Yeah" Megan said. "About what now ?" I asked. "I don't know, and it's not about the boys this time" Megan told me. Just then it got quite. "It's too quite" I said. Megan and I stared at each other. We got up and went to the stairs and looked down over the railing. "I don't even hear anything "Megan said.

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