"Ahhhh Young love~" Mitsuki sang as she snapped a few pictures of (Y/N) and her son who happened to be asleep with his arms wrapped around her waist, head buried in the crook of her neck.

"Shhhh honey you'll wake them up!" Masaru whisper shouted.

After standing there giggling for a few moments more, they quickly flicked off the light and shut the door.

* . • 〰️➿〰️ • . *


Your eyes slowly fluttered open as they soaked up the sunlight.

'Sunlight?. oh for fuck sake did I forget to shut my blinds?'

As you went to stretch and move out of your bed. You felt something warm on your back and around your waist. You looked around in confusion until it finally hit you...

'This isn't my room'

You tilted your head to see that Katsuki was spooning you?! You had fallen asleep in his bed, in his room, with him.

'OhMyGodddd he's spooning me what the fuck?! (*o*).... he's so cute, how can someone look so good with bedhead...NO! stop (Y/N)! stay focused'

Then you remembered the night before where you were sobbing in his arms. The memory of which caused your nose to curl and face to tint an overpowering shade of ruge.

'That's so embarrassing' you internally sobbed

As much as you were enjoying his embrace you decided it was time to get out of bed, but the more you tugged away the tighter his grip became.

"Stop moving.... your so warmmm" he mumbled in his husky morning voice whilst nuzzling his nose deeper into your hair. You could feel his hot breath on the back of your neck which only aided in deepening the red hues of your face.

"K-katsuki" you whispered.

"Mmmm" he responded numbly

"Katsuki~" you sang a bit louder.

"Five more minutes" he groaned. His tender lips brushed against the back of your neck which sent chills down your spine.

"KATSUKI!" You quietly yelled.

"WHAT THE FUCK D'YA WA-!" He quickly stopped after realising the position he was in and unraveled his arms from your waist to turn around and cover his now scarlet cheeks with the blanket.

"Tell anyone about this and you die" he snarled in a threatening tone.

You giggled and smiled

"awww is somebody embarrassed that they like cuddles~" You teased whilst poking the exposed side of his cheek.


You couldn't contain it any longer. A loud snort escaped your mouth and you fell to the floor gripping your stomach in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

After a few minutes you began to return to normal. When it hit you.

'I stayed here overnight after that call with Clive. I'm so dead °-°'

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