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"He has a kid!"
"We don't know if it's his Jinnie."
"Seungmin, now is not the time for nicknames. This man has a child!"
"Someone shut him up, look. He said he was looking after his friends kid. It isn't his."
"That's what they all say Jisung."
The eight boys all stood in a circle in the empty gym of their school, Chan calling an "emergency meeting" during lunch. But for the last seven seconds all that they have accomplished is Hyunjin outing Minho about the baby they saw.
"Chan what is this meeting for? I could be doing things right now." Changbin groaned only to get hit in the back of the head by Woojin.
"What things? Going to a gaming cafe?" Jisung snorted as he got a hit to the back of the head too.
"Y'all shut up and listen to Chan." Woojin stated as everyone nodded and Chan flashed Woojin a nod as a thanks.
"Look. I need you all to come by the company at like, 7 tonight. I have a big surprise."

When Jisung showed up at the office on time the first thing he did was go to the coffee machine, getting Minho's cup of coffee.
"Here's your coffee- child!" In his bosses seat sat a young child, his attention focused on a Rubik's cube, his little feet swinging back and forth.
"Hello! I'm Hyunso! Why are you in my daddy's office?"

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