Chapter One

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Deep breaths.


See your surroundings without opening your eyes.

You can do this.

I opened my eyes and before I even realized it, my spider-sense took over and I swung throughout the training room, webbing each "enemy" until the entire room was covered and the threat was taken care of.

I landed on my toes, and steadied myself with my hand, and panted. I smirked, but then fell over in gut wrenching pain.

"Riley!" My dad yelled and opened the doors, running to me.

I sighed and in between pained breaths I said, "That was pretty good!"

I hear Natasha sigh from the observation room over the speakers, "Riley, this is too much too fast. You're going to crash and not be able to recover."

Natasha always sounded disappointed lately. It's been 4 years. I'm almost healed, give me some kind of commending.

"Nat, I almost died. I pretty much did. Heart stopped. Rapid healing stopped. Considering everything that happened and all we lost, give me something," I grunted and got up, then walked to the window, "I'm trying. I got a full on blast into the abdomen from all 6 freakin infinity stones. The fact that I can walk is remarkable. God." I mumbled as I walked out of the room and slammed the door.

All I ever heard was sighs and grumbles. My rapid cell regeneration quit on me, the doctors think it's because of grief. My webbing just stopped producing after everything happened, and not until recently did it come back. I was in a coma for a year. I lost Peter. I lost Sabrina. I lost my friends.

My dad ran after me and caught my elbow, pulling me back, "Kid, we all lost. Nat deals with it differently."

"Are you kidding? So she deals with it by making me feel worse about my progress?"

"No. She deals with it by trying to help you, push you."

My anger rose in me, they've done this since I woke up. Push you.

"I don't need to be pushed!" I sneered, "I need time. But apparently none of you understand that." At this point Natasha's walked out where we are, and so have a few others we know, "you're already leading a grief group in the city," I pointed to my dad, "and you're yelling orders at people as if that's going to bring anyone the hell back!" I then pointed to Natasha. "Guess what. It's not going to bring them back. No matter what we do, it's not gonna happen. They are gone. Grief groups aren't going to bring them back. Running around this stupid facility as if we're going to get a mission tomorrow isn't doing anything, because we are NEVER getting the mission we want! THEY ARE GONE!" I yelled.

I turned and ran beyond the crowd, and the walls of the building felt like they were closing in on me. I started to sweat as my senses exploded. Everything got too loud. Thoughts, sounds, feelings. It's all too much.

I ran until I got outside, and the landscape looped in circles, like my head was spinning on a Ferris wheel. My stomach ached, and my head was beating sweat.

"Riley, you're sick, please get back inside." I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked beside me and Tony stood there, with a concerned look.

I should. I want to. I want to go back to bed. To stop trying.

But I can't. I have to keep trying.

But that won't bring them back.

Sabrina's gone. Peter's gone.

I grunted in pain, more from frustration than pain.

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