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Edd/Double dee's pov

I swallowed the extra saliva in my mouth as I approached kevin's house. My fist shook as I lightly knocked on the door, I face the other direction think about my math homework and if mother will approve of me being at somebody's house with out her permission. I flinched as the door opened and I started sweating. "What a dork" I heard kevin mumble "g-good evening kevin, I'm here to help you with your studies and-" "whatever man you talk to much, get inside" kevin said and I shuffled into his house.

"Uh kevin, you know its very rude to interrupt when one's talking" I said "so?" He asked "look double dweeb can we start the studying so you can leave?" Kevin growled. I shook and sweated "s-sure" I stuttered, we walked upstairs and when we got into his room I nearly fainted. Kevin's room is out of order and it's messy! Good lord!. "Just sit on the bed" kevin said and I hesitantly sat on his unmade bed, "here's my math text book" kevin throws his book at him.

I shouted as it nearly hit me "kevin, books aren't for throwing, they're for ready and discovering the reality of nature or science-" "dork! You talk to much now shut up and help me!" Kevin yelled and I shrunk. Kevin's expression softened but then turned into a scowl "look just help me" he grumble looking away. I opened the book and turned to the pages where the lesson was on,

Kevin's pov

I groaned in annoyance and boredom as double dweeb yammered on about how A=34xM4 and so confusing. "Is there a problem kevin?" Dweeb asked "ya you're boring" I said "well sorry that my accurate helping skills are in lack of 'fun'" double dweeb is to smart. "You yack too much!" I said getting off my bed, "my apologies" dork said "ya whatever" I rolled my eyes "oh, then I guess I should have my presents somewhere else" double dweeb closed the book and got up leaving my room.

I watched from my bedroom window watching him leave. I felt lonely now, wait what?! I can't be falling for a dweeb like him! He's such a dork.


"Go long!" I yelled and I flung the football across the field. He caught it and made a touchdown, I took off my helmet as the game ended. I sat on the bench and got my stuff together, "I like buttered toast!" I heard dork number two yell and I looked over to see the three idiots walking home. "Hey double dweeb!" I yelled and I threw a water bottle at his head and it hit him. He stumbled and dropped his stuff and he held his head, I laughed and I ran over to them. "What heck is your problem kevin?!" Twirp yelled "whoa easy eddy" I punched him off of me. I looked over at double dee and he looked up from the ground. He was biting his bottom lip and his eyes were glossy ready to cry, what a whimp, but I do feel a little bad.

"You're a whimp" I said and I grabbed double dweeb by the collor of his shirt and placed him on his feet. Ed patted double dee's back, I rolled my eyes "dweeb you have tutor me again" I said and started walking away. "Hey! I'm not done with you!" Eddy shouted "eddy! leave him alone" double dweeb yelled then covered his mouth then ran off. I was shocked. I brushed the feeling off and I grabbed my bag and went over to my bike, I got on it and went home. I threw my backpack onto the floor again and I went upstairs and changed out of my football gear and I went into pajamas.

I heard a faint knock at my door and I opened it. The dork flinched and I sighed "look you don't have to flinch every time I open the door" I said "s-sorry, its just my disorder, I get nervous alot o-of times" dweeb starts to sweat "come inside" I sighed and he barely walks in. I close the door and we go upstairs, as we entered my room, dork seemed tensed as he sat down on my bed. I threw my text book at him again and he let out the dorky shriek as always. He opened it and he started talking, I listened but got mad when he had me try some problems out.

"No way dork" I hissed and waded up the paper and threw it at him. "kevin, how are you going to past the 8th grade and move onto highschool if you don't try it yourself" double dweeb said "fine" I flicked his nose and he blushed and I smiled. I grabbed a new piece of paper and I wrote a few problems out, "no the 4 has to go after the m and the g goes between the 5 and + 9" double dee pointed out and I erased it and rewrote it "like that?" I asked "yes" he said. "Now try one by yourself" "what? No way!" I protested.

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