Chapter 3

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AN: HELLOOOO! It's 11 pm & I'm writing this and yeah I just felt like mentioning that. Okay now most of you probably ignored this little paragraph of me talking but for those of you who actually read this... then you are amazing.

Okay now I'm gonna stop boring you and start writing the real stuff...

I hope this story is okay so far... I really don't have a clue if it's good or not...


Chandler entered Central Perk with Lux by his side.

He ordered a coffee, a hot chocolate and two scones and they sat down at the big orange couch.

She looked around. "Nice place. I mean, it's no Starbucks, but it's cute."

Chandler gave her a look. "Starbucks?! This place is a million times better then Starbucks. This place is... it's my life. There is so much you don't know about this place."

Lux took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

"This is where me and all my friends-including your mother- used to hang out all the time. This is where we grew up. We'd come here every day, sit at this very couch and have the best time."

Lux looked around. She could picture it. Her mom sitting on the couch with her dad beside her, so close to each other but in a friendly way. Her uncle Ross sitting on the green chair a couple feet away from her with her aunt Rachel sitting on his lap and being all cuddly since they were a couple. Then their friend Phoebe, that Chandler just told Lux about, sitting on the couch beside Chandler. Then...

She suddenly realized something.

She reached a hand in her backpack that never left her side and pulled out the photo of the six friends sitting together on that very couch.

She handed the photo to Chandler.

"This is all you guys, right?" She asked him.

Chandler smiled when he saw him and all his friends together. He missed that. "Yeah. That's us."

"And that one right there." She said pointing to the one sitting on one of the stools by the table. "Is that Joey Tribbiani?"

"Yeah. He was-"

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "You were friends with Joey Tribbiani! Dr. Drake Ramoray, from Days Of Our Lives!"

"Actually no. I wasn't friends with Joey." He said as the huge grin on her face disappeared, replaced with a frown. "I was BEST friends with Joey Tribbiani. And I still am."

"Oh my god!" Lux said loudly, turning some heads of the people in the coffee house. "My father is best friends Dr. Drake Ramoray!"

She smiled and was about to put the picture back in her bag but Chandler spoke.

"Wait." He said. "Where did you get that picture?"

Lux looked down at the picture. "I found it. In my one of my moms drawers. It's actually a part of how I found you."

Chandler looked at the girl. She had his eyes. He could tell. But they were also Monica's, full of life and love and curiosity. She was a mixture of them.

"How did you find me?" He finally asks, a moment later.

She sighed. "Well, I've always wanted to meet you. I would always ask questions about you. But I never got any answers. Mom just kept telling me over and over again that it was too hard, that she just didn't want to talk about it."

"But then a couple weeks ago we were arguing, I was saying how it's not fair that I knew nothing about my father. And she finally gave up and told me something. She said you two were in a group of six friends, that included Ross and Rachel, and that you guys hung out all the time. She told me you were funny and sarcastic and had the same light blue eyes as I did. She told me that you two were never actually a couple and she never thought of you guys as one until, well, after you got together. She told me that before she even found out about being pregnant with me that she was falling in love with you."

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