Chapter 2

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The five kids were fast asleep as today was rather exhausting. While they were asleep, they were visited by two figures, one much bigger than the other. Another one of them glowed like a firefly. The two figures came in through the open window like Wendy had predicted. The five kids were asleep and unaware of what was going on in the room as they were visiting their dreams tonight. At least, for now...The other figure looked rather strong and both figures were starting to search for something. The glowing figure revealed to be a pixie and she opened a music box that played music. "Tink!" the one figure who nearly looked like an elf scolded. The fairy put the music box top down to stop the music. "Stop playing! We've gotta find my shadow." The elf told the pixie. The pixie nodded, then went to explore with the elf boy. The two of them continued to look for the shadow without being seen. Eventually, the shadow was spotted and the elf boy tried to chase after his shadow.

Wendy woke up from that and she looked to see who was in the room. She was ecstatic to see the boy and she rushed over to him. "Peter Pan! Oh, Peter! I knew you'd come back. I saved your shadow for you. Oh, I do hope it isn't rumpled." she told him. Dorothy and Leona woke up to see what was happening. "Wendy, can you lower your voice?" Dorothy rubbed her eyes. "Dorothy, I think that's Peter Pan" Leona told his sister. Dorothy opened her eyes widely to see that her twin brother right. Wendy sat Peter down and tried to help sew his shadow back on while talking with him, but she seemed to go on and on and on. "Girls talk too much." Peter finally said. "Yes, girls talk too-" Wendy was about to agree until she realized what he said and stopped talking. "Well, get on with it, girl!" Peter held his shadow up. "Uh, my name is Wendy" the brunette girl introduced herself. "Wendy Moira Angela Darling." "Wendy's enough." Peter said as he took out his pan pipes. "Hi! Tension max! I'm Dorothy West" Dorothy introduced herself. "Relax. I'm Leona West" Leona introduced himself. "You two look alike" Peter commented. "That's because we're twins" said Dorothy. "What are twins?" Peter asked. "A twin is someone who has a brother or a sister who was born on the exact same day" Leona explained.

"Oh, uh, but how did Nana get your shadow, Peter?" Wendy spoke up. "It jumped out at me the other night at the window." Peter replied. "What were you doing there?" asked Dorothy. "I came to listen to Wendy's stories." Peter said. "My stories?" Wendy asked. "But they're all about you." "I know, that's why I like 'em," Peter smiled as he played a tune on his instrument. "I tell them to the Lost Boys." "The Lost Boys...?" Wendy asked, then just remembered who they were. "Oh, they're your men!" "Uh-huh" Peter said before adjusting his shadow on, then sprung to a blank wall to see his shadow in action with him. "I'm so glad you came back tonight." Wendy smiled. "I might never see you again." "Why?" Peter asked. "Because I have to grow up tomorrow." Peter turned in horror like that was a fate worse than death. "GROW UP!?" "Yeah, this is her last night in the nursery." Leona frowned. "But that means no more stories..." Peter realized what that meant. "Mm-hmm" Wendy nodded as she looked tearful with her father's demands about growing up. "No! I won't have it!" Peter protested. "Come on!" "But where are we going?" Wendy asked. "To Neverland!" Peter told her. "You'll never grow up there." "Sounds cool. We're going too, right Leona?" said Dorothy. "If you say so, Dorothy. But more importantly, Wendy, what will your parents say?" said Leona. "Parents?" Peter asked as though he had never heard that word before. "What's 'parents'?" "Parents are adults that love and care for you and do what's best for you." Leona explained. "Especially mothers" Wendy added. "Like, they tell you stories" That made Peter's eyes light up. "Good! You can be our mother! Come on!" he then took Wendy's hand and tried to fly up with her. "Now, just a minute" Wendy stopped him. "Well, let me see now. I have to pack. Oh, and I must leave a note of when I'll be back. Of course, I couldn't stay too long. And then I'll have to... Oh, but Never Land. Oh, I... I-I'm so happy I... I think I'll give you a... a kiss."

"What's a a kiss?" Peter scratched his head. "Oh, well, uh, I-I'll show you." Wendy puckered her lips, going toward the elf boy. Wendy and Peter's lips almost touched, but the pixie came behind Wendy and yanked her back by her hair. "Oh!" Wendy grunted. "Stop!" Peter scolded his pixie. "Stop, Tink!" "What the heck?!" Dorothy asked out of shock. Peter started to chase his pixie friend, accidentally jumping on John and Michael's beds in the process. Michael woke up first, then looked shocked. "John, John, wake up! He's here!" "Huh...?" John groaned as he woke up, then put on his glasses and looked shocked. "Jiminy!" "Ooh, what in the world was that?" asked Dorothy. "Tinker Bell" Peter replied before looking in his hat once he trapped his pixie inside of it. "Don't know what got into her." "Hello, Peter Pan. I'm Michael." the little boy in pink foot pajamas introduced himself. "My name is John" the other boy added, sounding like a grown man. "How do you do?" "Hello." Peter greeted them. "Wow, a real pixie" Leona gazed at Tinker Bell. "Amazing!" John couldn't believe what he was seeing. Tinker Bell glared, folding her arms, and spoke in her own language that sounded like the tinkling of a bell, thus naming her that. "What's the pixie doing?" Michael asked. "Talking." Peter explained. "What did she say?" Wendy asked. "She says you're a big, ugly girl." Peter translated with a laugh. "Oh. Well, I think she's lovely." said Leona. Tinker Bell added something. "'You would'." Peter translated. "Well, come on, let's go."

Dorothy and Leona Meet Peter PanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora