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"HEY WILLY." Reese sat down next to Willy, who had been sitting on the rim of a fountain and scribbling in his notepad with a whole bag of candy beside him. "Halloween candy?"

He shook his head to the best of his ability, sometimes his dental contraption would cause his neck to stiffen sometimes. "My candy was burned in the furnace last night. . all of it, except one." He lisped, not looking away from his notepad.

"Sooo. . whatcha doing?" She looked over his shoulder at his notepad. "Very nice, rich, smooth? Are you writing about candy?"

"Mhm." He hummed, "Ever since I had that piece of candy for the first time yesterday, I've been having loads of ideas. I plan on starting my own business soon."

She grinned at this, happy that he finally knew what candy tasted like and how he wanted to start his own candy franchise.

• • •

Hours later, Reese had seen Willy walking by himself at night. She ran up to him as fast as her little legs could. "Everything alright?"

"My father wouldn't let me start my own business. . so I ran away. Do you wanna go to the museum with me?"

She shrugged and stood up from the rock she was sitting on. Of course when they had arrived to the museum, they hit the flag section and started thinking of how many places candy could sell in.

They were stopped by a guard when they tried moving to the next room, "Sorry kids, the museum is closing for the rest of the night."

Disappointed, but fascinated and motivated, they stood outside of the museum. Reese turned towards Willy, "Remember me when you get famous for selling your awesome sweets."

"Will do." He grinned, "I'll see you soon, Peanut."

"See you soon, Willy." She waved as he walked away, sighing she started to walk back towards her own house.

Little did she know it wouldn't be until adulthood that they would see each other again.

• • •


(( one minor change ))

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