I take one last look around the dojo before leaving the way I came in.  Which was through a window. I forgot the keys back at the manor. I shut the window trying to make it seem like I was never even here. I look at the katana in hand and run off to Uncle Ted's place.

Outside POV

Late. Bruce knew he was late. She was already gone. If Bruce didn't know any better it would look like she was never even here. Except for the fact of the broken case and the missing sword. Bruce could only assume it was.

Soon a low whistle could be heard.

"If I didn't know any better I would assume that we were trying to track Batman," Jason says.

"Yeah. She reminds me of you, Bruce. She's definitely smart and has the skill to make it seem like she wasn't even here," Dick says.

"All the more reason she should be able to catch Mara herself," Damian chimes.

Bruce turns to Damian and says,"You know we can't let her do that."

"And why not? I still don't understand the reason she shouldn't be able to catch her mother's killer. I doubt she will actually kill Mara. She's not a killer. And it's pretty obvious that she will never have a "normal" life," Damian retorts.

"Again we still have to try. I have no doubt that she won't kill Mara. I don't deny that she has skills. I just want to fulfill her mother's last wishes."

"Is that really all there is? You just trying to fulfill a last wish? Or is it that you want to protect her at all cost?" Jason asks.

"I do want to protect her just as I want to protect all of you," Bruce says.

"And yet we all prance around in costumes beating up the bad guys. And some of us have died. I'm not saying that your not protective. I'm just saying that your not that good at it. Do you not want her to turn out to be one of your failures like us?" Jason asks.

"None of you are failures. The only failure is me for not protecting you all," Bruce says.

"Bruce you did your best. We all know that you did. We don't hold our deaths against you. Well most of us. We all knew what we were getting into. I think that Alex knows as well yet she still wants too. She wants to get justice. She has the skills and the drive for it. We shouldn't be stopping her. We should be helping her and training her to do it. If anything that has happened has taught us it's that she wants this. And I think we just have to accept the decision. I know your not thrilled to hear this but it's the truth," Dick says.

"Grayson is right. Crest...Alex chose to go after Mara. I think we don't stand a chance if we get in her way. She is an adequate fighter who could more or less beat Todd and Grayson up," Damian says.

"That was the nicest thing that you probably have ever said about Alex. I'm so proud of you," Dick coos.

"Shut up, Grayson. I was merely stating facts. That doesn't mean that I like her. As far as I'm concerned I'm still an only child," Damian says.

"How?!" Jason asks.

"You are all lost children that father has collected. I, on the other hand, am his blood child. Alex is just a person who unfortunately shares DNA with me," Damian says.

"So you mean that she's your sister. Cause that's how it works. You share DNA with someone I makes them your relative. You, Damian are not a only child," Jason says.

Before Damian could say anymore Dick says,"I found something."

"What is it?" Bruce asks.

"I know where Alex is," Dick says.

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