3: Acid Stings, Fire Burns

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(U/N)'s P.O.V

When my vision returns, the group is now in a different map. Everyone's already darted off without me, so I quickly scramble out of the spawning area to follow them. I then turn when I hear footsteps running behind me and turn to see Crazy behind me.

"You're alive!" I exclaim, smiling in relief that he was okay. "All thanks to regeneration! Now let's hurry, there's no time to chat!" He replied, pushing me forwards towards a ladder. We quickly climbed and followed the others across a bridge. Everyone, including Mark and Sans seemed to be more focused on actually getting the buttons now and not messing around.

"I see everyone's determined to reach to Hard this time," Crazy stated. "That's great! This hopefully means we shouldn't run into anymore problems."

We run together along a path and I see a cliff we have to climb coming up ahead. Not to far from the cliff was the safe place where most of the others have already reached. "Climb quickly!" Crazy shouted, starting to parkour up the platform. I'm beginning to lag as the acid is rising faster and getting closer to us. Once I reach the first platform, the acid had gathered at the point I was at, and I felt it begin to burn at my feet.

"Ouch! Agh, crazy, help!!" I cry out, trying jump to the top despite the lagging keeping me back. Crazy quickly grabs my arms and helps me get to the top. He then hurriedly pulls me the rest of the way up a few crates and into the safe place, just in time for the acid to start turning to a red, fiery substance...lava.

I sit on the floor of the safe place, desperately trying to catch my breath. "No time for breaks now, (U/N). Hard mode is next!" Memezahut exclaimed, excitedly jumping up and down. "I just really hope it ain't Lava Tower..." ForensicFlame sighed just as everything began to go dark.

12/12 Survivors. Advancing to Hard. Loading . . .

/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \

We arrive on a very dark map, it looked like we were inside a volcano with a huge complicated tower we had to maneuver our way up on. The bottom boiled with flaming hot lava, ready to start rising at any moment.

"And of course it's Lava Tower," scowled Forensic, angrily storming from our spawn point. I followed everyone the fastest I could—the last thing I wanted was to burn rising lava. I could feel the heat scorching my skin as we jumped on blocks and advanced hastily up the tower. I began shaking when I looked down as saw that the lava was beginning to rise...

Crazyblock's P.O.V

I jumped beside (U/N) and noticed that they had suddenly stopped advancing up the tower with everyone else. They were busy looking down at the lava that was now rising, and they were shaking with terror. I slowly smile and place my hands on their shoulders to gain their attention.

"If you stop now, then of course you're going to get burned," I say to them. "Keep going and don't stop and you'll be fine."

"W-What if I miss a jump...what if I slip or lag and I fall into the lava anyways?" They stammered, slowly turning to look at me. I go silent and look aside, seeing that the lava was getting even closer to us. "That won't happen, I won't let you. Just keep heading to the top and I'll stay behind you to make sure you get there."

(U/N)'s P.O.V

I decided to trust and take Crazy's words and I began jumping up the blocks again. There was a specific part we got to where everyone was waiting on this one board while the button looked to be on the opposite side. None of them seemed to want to move to go and get it.

"Someone get the button before it's too late!" I growled, pointing out that the lava was almost near us.

"There's no way in #### I'm getting it!" Meghan hissed, staying back behind CalculatorGuy. Sanatik jumped at the sight of the approaching lava and fainted, his body slipping from the board we were on and into the lava, perishing.

"...That's it," I say. I turn to where the button was and began to head towards it. "No, you can't! Don't go, it'll be too late!" Crazy warned, grabbing my arm. "I have to. I don't want to see everyone die like this...so I'll sacrifice myself..."

Crazy shook his head and pushed me aside. "No, I'll sacrifice myself. Everyone else can still have a chance to escape."

"Wait, Crazy, I don't want you to—!"

"It's too late," CalculatorGuy's snarl interrupted us. "By the current level the lava is at, we wouldn't be able to make it on time, even if you two idiots managed to tag the button. We're all doomed."

"Oh crapohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap...." Markipoopliar shuttered, hugging LayLa's arm, "I hate the lava deaths, I HATE them...!"

"Get off me you ugly doofus, I'd rather die this way than have you clinging to me!" LayLa screeched, pulling away from Mark. Meme shook in fear and huddled next to CalculatorGuys and dino. Forensic began to hyperventilate, and Meghan covered her face with her hands, beginning to whimper. ShadowCreek saluted with one foot out towards the lava.

I watched everyone preparing to die and felt sense of dread fall over me. What was it going to be like to burn to death? I've played hundreds of shooting games and sword fights on roblox, but for some reason this injected more fear into me than worrying about getting shot by a targeting bullet.

"I know you're scared (U/N)" Crazyblox said, his voice sounding not afraid in the slightest. "But just remember that in the end, we'll all just regenerate and everyone will be fine again! Just 6 seconds of blazing agony, that's all!"

He then stepped forwards and gave me a big hug, smiling widely. "At least we get to burn together, right?"

Just as he said that, I saw the fire appear at our level and I could feel it burning at my feet. The others started screaming, and some immediately jumped in to get it over with. I hissed in pain trying to take the scorching, but it was excruciating.

Crazy was still tightly hugging me, even as the lava rose past our necks and drowned us all in a fiery hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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