emily karen matthews

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{lyrics of the song "tear drops on my guitar" by taylor swift are going to be in the beginning of each chapter.

emily karen matthews was a sixteen year old greaser, with a dream of becoming the next big thing. she wanted to be a country star. her only friends besides the gang were sandy, evie, and sylvia, and they were unbelievably fake to her. 

emily had a roaring crush on steve, ever since she was thirteen. at first it was an itty bitty baby crush, so she had ignored it, but when she was about fifteen she started to realize it her affecting her attitude around him. now she has it under control and it barley shows, but before it used to be bad.

she was closest to her brother obviously, and darry, and steve and sodapop used to be her best friends. now that steve and evie have been dating for two months and soda and sandy have been dating for 6 months, she's pretty much lost the both of them.

two bit and emily's mother struggles with dementia and lives in a special home, and their father  got arrested whenever she was eleven years old, for child abuse. two bit was two years older than her. 

emily was the kind of person that was always happy and bubbly, and never ever sad.

......this is her story.....

tear drops on my guitar; steve randleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang