Tsukiko stuffed her origami rabbits and Ayatori string into her pockets before rushing off into the room next door where Iruka and Mizuki were waiting for her performance of the Clone Jutsu. She stood in front of the two of them, rather excited.

"Usa!" Tsukiko called out and in a split second three copies of her stood in front of her as the smoke subsided. Iruka and Mizuki both observed her Jutsu for an evaluation. She waited patiently, knowing that she had done well.

"Excellent, full score for this one, Tsukiko-Chan," Iruka Sensei said. "As expected of you. That makes a new high score for the Academy," Tsukiko's lips broke out into a grin and her clones vanished. "Have your forehead protector,"

"Thank you!" Tsukiko said as she stepped over and looked at the Forehead Protectors that were laid out on the table. She was torn between blue and white, her favourites. Then she picked up the white one. "Thank you," She bowed once more and moved out of the room, smiling in satisfaction.

Tsukiko walked out of the room, admiring the new, unblemished metal with Konohagakure, as well as the silky white cloth it was secured on. Her happiness could know no limit. She looked over herself, wondering where to wear it before tying it around her waist, but over her belt and it rested against her left hip.

Now, her identity and outfit were both complete! Tsukiko walked through the crowd of parents and their child, something that wasn't hard for her to do. Everyone parted away to move as far as they could from her. Tsukiko was too happy to care.

Tsukiko could see all of her classmates there except for a few. She waited around for Naruto, wondering when his turn would come up. She really wanted to go out and have Daifuku and she knew that Naruto would want Ramen.

Uchiha Sasuke came out of the classroom next, now supporting his own Forehead Protector. They barely met eyes before a gaggle of his fangirls intercepted Tsukiko's vision. She just remembered that he was an orphan too. She knew of his rivalry with Naruto but wondered if he would like to join them.

Tsukiko looked around to see if Naruto had gotten out of the building and saw him at the swing that hung from the tree next to the Academy. He must've gotten out when she wasn't able to see through the people. As she neared him, Tsukiko noticed that he was quite dejected, and frowned.

"Hey, Naruto," Tsukiko said once he was in hearing distance. "How did you do? Is everything all right?" Naruto looked at her, even more miserable than before and she knew what must have happened in the classroom.

"Kiko-Chan, did you pass?" Naruto asked. But his eyes then fell onto the white Forehead Protector wrapped around her waist and he shrunk even more. Tsukiko frowned deeper as she watched him, crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry about what happened," Tsukiko said as she studied him. "Hey, don't be discouraged, Naruto! Maybe you can practice again and show it to Iruka Sensei? He will definitely let you pass that way..."

"It's okay, Kiko-Chan," Naruto mumbled. Tsukiko glanced over at where everyone was gathered with their parents, showing off their new Forehead Protectors.

"I'm a real ninja now, right?" One of their classmates went off.

"Good job! It's something I would expect from my son!" His father replied.

"Congratulations on graduating," his mother said. "Mum is going to fix you something nice tonight," The boy cheered happily.

"Hey, those kids are the kids," One of the women spoke, referring to Tsukiko and Naruto. "The girl passed but the boy was the only one who failed,"

"Serves him right," the other woman replied. Tsukiko frowned. "If he becomes a ninja, it's only going to cause trouble. It's bad enough that the girl passed... They're really..."

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